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Population & Environment

Borderlands Environmental Archives
The Borderlands Environmental Archives and the related page of Links provide information for the region shared by both the United States and Mexico. Coast to coast this region contains a variety of ecosystems and local environmental priorities.

The Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN, pronounced "season") was established in 1989 as a private, nonprofit corporation with members from leading universities and non-government research organizations. The corporation is dedicated to furthering the interdisciplinary study of global environmental change. CIESIN is agency-neutral, specializing in the access and integration of physical, natural, and socioeconomic information across scientific disciplines.

Earthshots: Satellite Images of Environmental Change
Earthshots is a collection of satellite images which show how our environment has changed over the last 20 years. The effects of droughts, fires, deforestation, urbanization, irrigation, desertification, and other natural and anthropogenic events can be detected, measured, and analyzed using satellite data. The accompanying text is aimed at the general public.

The Earth Times
The Earth Times is the world's leading independent international nonpartisan newspaper focusing on environment and sustainable development, and such interrelated concerns of the international system as population, human-rights, trade, and women's and children's rights. The newspaper, published by the not-for-profit Earth Times Foundation, specifically explores the subject of change--how individuals and institutions work in their own societies to tackle their challenges and generate positive change in social and economic conditions.

Environmental resources on the net.

EcoNet serves organizations and individuals working for environmental preservation and sustainability. EcoNet builts coalitions and partnerships with individuals, activist organizations and non-profit organizations to develop their use of the electronic communications medium.

Environmental Agencies/Organizations - University of Iowa
A wide variety of organizations involved with environmental issues have provided information about themselves via Internet and the World Wide Web.

Environmental News Network
Each day our staff of journalists and scientists, in association with Reuters, Knight-Ridder/Tribune, Associated Press, The Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Business Wire and US Newswire, brings you the hottest environmental news from around the world. Each week our online magazine provides an in-depth look at important ecological issues facing our planet and population with such features as Cousteau Watch, Earth-friendly Living, World Watch Report, and Matter of Opinion.

Environment Professional's Virtual Desktop
Let this platform become your Virtual Desktop that you take with you on the road, out to a site, or just back to headquarters. It is a familiar place you can rely upon for direct reference links, new Net developments, and a forum for reaching lots of other environmental professionals by posting a message on our Conferences, Bulletins, Announcements link.

EnviroWeb - A Project of the EnviroLink Network
EnviroLink is a non-profit organization...a grassroots online community that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world with millions of people in over 130 countries.

Environment Issues
A weekly column about environment issues and provides an extensive set of links for a variety of environmental topics.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Global Observation Information Network (GOIN) Project
The Global Observation Information Network (GOIN) was implemented under the United States-Japan Framework for a New Economic Partnership which was initiated in April 1993 by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Japan. GOIN is a cooperative effort between the United States and Japan to strengthen bilateral cooperation in Earth observation information networks, involving both satellite and in-situ data.

Greenpeace International
Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organisation which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future.

A comprehensive directory of science related websites.

This All African Internet Portal provides news, an event calendar, and extensive information for business, travel and education, country-by-country, and a very large pan Africa Link Collection.

U.S. Census Bureau - Population Topics
Population Estimates - Population Projections - Historical Census Data - International Statistics

Wildlife Conservation Society
The Wildlife Conservation Society saves wildlife and wild lands through careful science, international conservation, education, and the management of the world's largest system of urban wildlife parks. These activities change attitudes toward nature and help people imagine wildlife and humans living in sustainable interaction on both a local and a global scale.

World Bank
The Bank's mission is to help developing countries reduce poverty and promote sustainable development. In that sense you could say that our goals are much the same as those of many governments' development assistance programs. But unlike such aid programs, we don't make grants. The Bank lends money to developing countries-and the loans are repaid. Developing countries borrow from the Bank because they need capital, technical assistance, and policy advice.

World Resources Institute
The World Resources Institute (WRI) is a policy research center created in late 1982 to help governments, international organizations, and private businesses address a fundamental question: How can societies meet basic human needs and nurture economic growth without undermining the natural resources and environmental integrity on which life, economic vitality, and international security depend?

World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Forestry
WWW Virtual Library links are categorized mainly by the host organization. The service is provided by the Library of the Finnish Forest Research Institute.

Yahoo's Environment and Nature
Yahoo's listings of environmental and nature links.

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