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Weeding Your Microfiche Collection

As ERIC makes further progress with digitizing materials from microfiche, libraries may choose to weed their collection of microfiche documents that are now available online. ERIC provides the following information to support your microfiche management efforts:

  • Lists of ERIC record numbers for documents now available online, which may be used for weeding the collection. Lists are compatible with most spreadsheet software. Please note that although it is a rare occurrence to reverse a permissions decision, copyright holders do have the right to withdraw permission for online dissemination.
    • Documents produced in microfiche and authorized for electronic dissemination in the years 1993-2004:













    • Documents produced in microfiche 1966-1992 and newly authorized for electronic dissemination as part of the ERIC Digitization Project. ERIC will continue adding lists of newly digitized documents until the end of the Digitization Project in March 2009:
Digitization Release # Documents Released
June - November 2007 44,455
December 2007 19,608
January 2008 31,531
February 2008 10,987
March 2008 3,600
April 2008 205
May 2008 12
June 2008 476
  • List of ERIC record numbers for "placeholder" microfiche (referred to in the legacy system as Level 3 documents) issued 1989-2004. Placeholders provide the bibliographic record and abstract of indexed documents that do not include full text. These microfiche are no longer needed, as the records are available online.
  • List of ERIC Documents on microfiche List of ERIC Documents on microfiche, including ERIC record number range, number of documents, and number of microfiche cards, by issue year, for the years 1966-2004.