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National Indian Education Study
The Nation's Report Card (home page)

Grade 4 & 8

Exclusion in mathematics

NAEP has always endeavored to assess all students selected as part of its sampling process, including students who are classified by their schools as students with disabilities (SD) and/or English language learners (ELL). The decision to exclude any of these students is made by school personnel. School personnel are encouraged to use inclusion criteria provided by NAEP and may discuss their inclusion decisions with NAEP field staff. Some students may participate with test accommodations. Read more about the NAEP inclusion policy. See exclusion rates by other race/ethnicity categories.

Percentage of all students in public and nonpublic schools identified as students with disabilities and/or English language learners, excluded, and assessed with accommodations in NAEP mathematics, by grade: 2007
  Grade 4 Grade 8
SD/ELL category AI/AN students All other students AI/AN students All other students
SD and/or ELL        
   Identified 24 21 22 17
   Excluded 3 3 4 4
   Assessed with accommodations 11 10 9 7
SD only        
   Identified 17 13 16 12
   Excluded 3 2 4 3
   Assessed with accommodations 10 7 8 6
ELL only        
   Identified 9 10 9 6
   Excluded # 1 1 1
   Assessed with accommodations 3 3 2 2
# Rounds to zero.
NOTE: SD = students with disabilities. ELL = English language learners. Students identified as both SD and ELL were counted only once under the combined SD and/or ELL category, but were counted separately under the SD and ELL categories.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2007 National Indian Education Study.

Download the 2007 NIES
Part I Report

Download the 2007 NIES Part 1 Report

Download the 2007 NIES
Part II Report

Download the 2007 NIES Part 2 Report

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