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Protect Your Property

Claims Management Branch

It is vital, for both your security and the security of your belongings, that you stay alert and protect yourself throughout your journey.

During this time, many persons and organizations come in contact with you and your belongings. Some of these could include:

Security Best Practices:

  1. If possible, NEVER let your belongings out of your sight - items can be pilfered from or placed into your baggage without your consent.
  2. NEVER pack ANYTHING valuable or fragile in your checked baggage - even if it is locked
  3. ALWAYS carry your own purse, wallet, passport, valuables, etc. - do not entrust them to anyone
  4. ALWAYS watch your belongings as they advance through the x-ray equipment at the security checkpoints - for secondary screening, INSIST that your belongings be brought to you.
  5. BE AWARE of your surroundings, the people around you, and the nearest exits - BE PREPARED!

By following some simple, yet effective routines, you can ensure an incident-free travel experience.

TSA Accepted & Recognized Locks

» Damaged Locks Alert

The vendors below have an arrangement with TSA to supply the traveling public with TSA 'accepted and recognized' locks. TSA screeners have tools for opening and re-locking baggage marked with either of these logos, thus avoiding damage to the lock or bag if a physical inspection is required.

Please feel free to contact either or both Travel Sentry or Safe Skies for more information on securing your checked baggage.

TSA does not in any way endorse either one of these companies and will gladly accept inquiries from other companies that wish to produce TSA 'accepted & recognized' locks. For more information, please email the TSA Contact Center.