2007-2011 Region 10 Strategy: Regional Administrator's Message | Region 10 | US EPA

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2007-2011 Region 10 Strategy: Regional Administrator's Message

Photo of EPA Regional Administrator Elin Miller
I am proud to present the Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 10 Strategy for 2007-2011. This living document represents the first commitment I made as I stepped in as Regional Administrator six months ago. Region 10 has a long history of investment in the highest priority environmental issues in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. We developed this new strategy by building on the significant progress made in the past, and listening to and engaging with our federal, state, tribal, and local partners. We also surveyed Region 10 employees about progress to achieve our goals and their view on emerging issues. We have heard many internal and external stakeholder views on what we do well and not so well. This strategy is the result of “listening” to all of these perspectives. It defines our direction and reinvigorates our mission, vision and core values for the next five years.

Strategy drives priorities and the individual work we each must accomplish. Clear direction provides a basis for making fair and reasonable decisions to best use our resources to maximize our impact on public health and the environment. This plan sharpens our focus and establishes an accountable framework to monitor our progress. In each of our six endeavors we will be measuring our success every six months with a simple red, yellow or green light scorecard depicting our progress.

We are faced with unprecedented opportunities and daunting environmental challenges, and now, more than ever, we need to be strategic and work collaboratively with our partners to protect human health and the environment. As you review this strategic plan for the coming five years, I invite you to look for further ways we can collaborate to deliver the best results for our environment.

We in Region 10 will LEAD: Listen and Engage with an Attitude to positively Deliver fair and equal results for the environment and all people in Region 10. Thank you for your part in our efforts to LEAD.

Elin D. Miller,

EPA Region 10 Regional Administrator

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