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Office of Congressional and Public Liaison

Eileen McMahon, Assistant Inspector General for Congressional and Public Liaison

Nancy Long, Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Congressional and Public Liaison

The Office of Congressional and Public Liaison (OCPL) is responsible for improving the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness of Agency programs and preventing fraud, waste, and mismanagement through efforts to:

(1) receive, analyze, and facilitate reviews of complaints and allegations;

(2) provide communication and liaison services to Congress, the public, and the media;

(3) publish and distribute audit, evaluation, and other reports that address needed Agency improvement; and

(4) manage information posted on the OIG web page.

You can contact the Office of Congressional and Public Liaison at:

(202) 566-2391
(202) 566-2549 FAX

Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Inspector General
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (2441T)
Washington, DC 20460

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