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Follow-up to Template Implementation Guidance for FY 07 Grant Awards


DATE: December 1, 2006

SUBJECT: Follow-up to Template Implementation Guidance for FY 07 Grant Awards

FROM: Howard Corcoran /s/
Director, Office of Grants and Debarment
Office of Administration and Resources Management

Pamela Luttner /s/
Acting Deputy Associate Administrator for Intergovernmental Relations
Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations

Kathy O’Brien /s/
Director, Office of Planning, Analysis and Accountability
Office of the Chief Financial Officer

TO: Deputy Regional Administrators
Assistant Regional Administrators

Thank you for your leadership in implementing the OMB-mandated state grant performance measures template. The purpose of this memo is to bring to your attention inconsistencies in the application of two key requirements and deadlines in the August 24, 2006 Guidance on Implementing the State Grant Performance Measures Template for FY 07 Grant Awards (Guidance).

The first inconsistency involves the application of the three caveats (please see Guidance for specific details) for special reporting conditions. The Guidance states that: (1) each region can presumptively assume that the first caveat will apply to most performance measures; (2) the regions and states will jointly determine when to apply the second and third caveats to specific state grants during work plan negotiations; and (3) the regions will provide the National Program Managers (NPMs) and OCIR with information as to which caveats are associated with specific performance measures by September 22, 2006 [emphasis added]. Based upon our discussions with the NPMs, it appears that many regions have missed this deadline. Please remind your staff to provide this information to the NPMs as soon as possible. We recognize that there are challenges associated with reporting on the application of the caveats. However, information on how the caveats were applied in FY 07 is an important input to inform the state grant performance measures in FY 08. The information is critical for ongoing discussions with OMB on performance measurement objectives and long-term implementation of the template. The P&P Workgroup Co-chairs will review the selected caveats to ensure consistent interpretation across the regions.

The second inconsistency involves state baseline data. The Guidance noted that since FY 05 data is currently available for many, but not all measures, the regions must populate their templates with FY 05 state baseline data as soon as possible, but not later than the end of the first quarter in FY 07 [emphasis added]. We understand that the regions may encounter challenges in generating state baseline data, but it should be emphasized that FY 07 grants can be awarded without complete baseline data [emphasis added]. It is our understanding, based upon NPM feedback, that many regions have already generated the FY 05 state baseline data. Please remind your staff to populate the templates with available data as soon as possible. Also, please remember that the reporting of FY 05 state baseline data must be consistent with the FY 05 regional results reported in support of the national numbers.

Please have your staff forward the information on the caveats to the individuals on the attached list. Thanks again for your support in implementing this important initiative.


cc: NEPPS Coordinators
National Program Managers
Regional Planners
Grants Management Officers


Laurice Jones (OGD/OARM): tel. 202-564-0223; e-mail: jones.laurice@epa.gov

Reynold Meni (OCIR/OA): tel. 202-564-3669; e-mail: meni.reynold@epa.gov

Tim Fontaine (OW): tel. 202-564-0318; e-mail: fontaine.tim@epa.gov

Renee Wynn (OSWER): tel. 202-566-1884; e-mail: wynn.renee@epa.gov

Nicholas Franco (OECA): tel. 202-564-0113; e-mail: franco.nicholas@epa.gov

William Houck (OAR): tel. 202-564-1349; e-mail: houck.william@epa.gov

Chris Tirpak (OPPTS): tel. 202-564-0546; e-mail: tirpak.chris@epa.gov

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