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Advanced Vehicles and Fuels Research Home

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Modeling and Analysis


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Research Expertise

Looking at the Parts: Vehicle Components

Thermal imaging of a battery used in HEVsNREL experts develop and evaluate vehicle and fuel technologies that help our industry partners optimize vehicle systems, with a focus on increasing fuel efficiency and reducing emissions. An example of this work involves helping battery developers and automobile manufacturers improve battery module and pack designs by enhancing performance and extending battery life.

Graphic of a small hydrogen-fueled fuel cell vehicle.

Check out the interactive graphic of the power electronic components of a hydrogen-fueled fuel cell vehicle.

Much of our testing is conducted at NREL's state-of the-art energy storage laboratory where researchers focus on energy storage systems—from the cell level to the battery pack—for electric, hybrid-electric (HEV), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). Engineers use thermal imaging equipment to capture a battery's infrared fingerprint and diagnose its behavior. We also assess the thermal and moisture management properties of fuel cell systems. We use cutting edge modeling and analysis tools to accomplish our research.

Our research in advanced power electronics components and systems aims to overcome major technical barriers to the commercialization of hybrid, advanced internal combustion, and FCV technologies. The power electronics team focuses on developing advanced power electronic technologies that improve reliability, efficiency, and ruggedness, and dramatically decrease systems costs for advanced vehicles. Key power electronic components for these vehicles include the motor controller, DC to DC converters, and inverters that condition the electrical signal between the power generation unit (a fuel cell or battery) and the electric motor to provide power to various components.

Assembling the Parts: Systems Development and Optimization

NREL has worked closely with Ford, DaimlerChrysler, and General Motors on cost-shared projects to develop and optimize HEV technologies. HEVs are significantly more fuel efficient and have fewer emissions than conventional vehicles, and are paving the way for the technological advancement of FCVs and other advanced vehicles.

Graphic of a small heavy hybrid truck.

Check out the interactive graphic of a heavy hybrid's components and systems.

Researchers at NREL are working with industry to develop advanced heavy vehicle hybrid propulsion components and systems that are projected to save 15 million barrels/year of oil in 2010 and 130 million barrels/year of oil in 2020. These systems are expected to significantly improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. By teaming with industry, we can take advantage of the best technologies and skills available.Manikin to test passenger thermal comfort.

Auxiliary loads, such as a car's air conditioning (AC), put a significant load on a vehicle's system. For instance, AC systems in light-duty vehicles alone, consume 10% of our annual oil imports, which factors heavily on our nation's energy security. To meet this challenge our researchers test, develop, and design efficient thermal comfort systems that keep passengers comfortable, while using less fuel, under the "Cool Car" project.

Modeling for Success: Vehicle Simulation

Screenshot from ADVISOR software.Energy management strategies depend on accurate vehicle simulation. Our team has developed and commercialized an effective modeling software package called ADVISOR (ADvanced VehIcle SimulatOR), which provides vital information about vehicle efficiency, performance, and emissions. ADVISOR can simulate HEVs, FCVs, and other advanced and conventional vehicles. Automakers, along with universities and component developers, use ADVISOR for virtual testing to evaluate individual components, as well as those integrated into a larger system.

We use a systems analysis approach to define technical targets and requirements, guide development, and validate the performance of DOE-sponsored vehicle technologies. The systems approach strategy introduces quality and durability early in the vehicle/component design process by using integrated computer-aided design, computer-aided engineering, finite element analysis, design of experiments, and behavioral modeling. Learn more about our modeling and analysis capabilities.

Filling the Tank: Fuels Utilization Research and Development

Filling up on alternative fuels.Partnering with government and industry, we manage a nationwide endeavor to test and develop alternative and renewable fuels such as hydrogen, natural gas, ethanol, and biodiesel, as well as advanced petroleum based fuels to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions.

For example, our team has found that certain combinations of ultra-low sulfur fuels, engines, and catalysts can reduce the prime components of urban smog (particulate matter and nitrogen oxide) by more than 90%. These results have helped pave the way for new EPA regulations for diesel fuel quality and heavy-duty engine emissions, which could significantly reduce air pollution.

We take pride in being a driving force in the renewable fuels arena. We work with key industry members and organizations to develop and analyze technologies that promote biofuels, hydrogen, and natural gas as a transportation fuel. We also lead innovative projects designed to demonstrate ultra-low emission levels in prototype and production engines and vehicles.

A unique high-altitude Renewable Fuels and Lubricants, or ReFUEL laboratory tests alternative and advanced fuels, lubricants, and heavy-duty engines and vehicles.

Evaluating natural gas vansTaking a Test Drive: Fleet Evaluations

NREL works with industry and government to analyze the performance of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty advanced technology and alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) in fleets across the nation. Fleet evaluations and test procedures are developed with stakeholders to collect data on vehicle emissions, maintenance, cost, and performance. Based on the analyses of real-world data, we produce unbiased information for key decision makers, including fleet managers, who are considering adding such vehicles to their fleets.

Hybrid electric vehicle on road testing

Cleaning the Air: Emissions and Air Quality Research

The transportation sector is a primary source of air pollution in the nation. To better understand the problem, our researchers examine ambient air samples and exhaust emission data from vehicles using traditional and advanced fuels to determine the effects of pollutants on human health, air quality, and visibility. We coordinate our environmental and health effects research with automobile and engine manufacturers; petroleum producers; federal, regional, and local environmental agencies; and engine and fuel researchers.

Getting the Word Out: Technology Deployment

Clean Cities logoNREL's researchers develop and distribute information and technical resources to help put advanced transportation technologies onto American roadways. We work with DOE's Clean Cities Program to help build the foundation for a sustainable alternative fuels market in cities across the nation. This voluntary program helps get AFVs into the marketplace by providing technical assistance, information, and educational materials to fleets and the public.

NREL maintains DOE's Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center (AFDC), transportation-related publications libraries, and other comprehensive data and resources information that help industry, fleet managers, and the public learn more about advanced vehicles and fuels. The AFDC is the country's most comprehensive, up-to-date resource for information on advanced transportation technologies and programs. It features our Web-based Alternative Fuel Station Locator that allows users to search for alternative fuel stations across the country.

EPAct logoWe also help DOE meet the requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which requires certain fleets to purchase alternative fuel vehicles that can run on nonpetroleum fuels. We provide technical analysis for reducing petroleum consumption in regulated federal, state, and alternative fuel provider fleets as they acquire AFVs and use alternative fuels. We also educate fleets about compliance and help them identify opportunities for developing fueling infrastructure.

To better understand the overarching implications of transportation energy use, we model energy use, oil savings, and carbon emissions of alternative vehicle and fuel technologies.

Laboratory Capabilities
Modeling & Analysis Capabilities

Check out the Center for Transportation Technologies & Systems advanced vehicles and fuels research overview fact sheet (PDF 313 KB), Download Acrobat Reader.

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