W. Steven Gross / A.I.A.

2120 N. Sheffield
Chicago, IL 60614

W. Steven Gross / A.I.A. is a sole proprietorship practicing the art, technology and business of architecture. Along with a team of professional engineering consultants, a fully integrated and well designed structure is our goal and capability. Energy efficient design is an important component of the professional services we provide in hopes of achieving a quality building for our clients.

Commercial Market(s) Served: Commercial New Construction, Existing Commercial Buildings  

Commercial Market Sectors Served: Commercial Real Estate, Corporate Real Estate

Services: Architectural Design & Specification, Engineering Design & Specification, Project/Construction Management

Industrial Market  

Services: Architectural Design & Specification, Engineering Design & Specification, Project/Construction Management

Contact Information:
Steven Gross
773-281-7024 (phone)
773-281-7024 (fax)
stevegross@sbcglobal.net (e-mail)