Regional Priorities - From the Regional Administrator | Region 10 | US EPA

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Regional Priorities - From the Regional Administrator

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

View the Updated Region 10 Environmental Strategy
A Message To the Residents of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington

Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington (EPA Region 10) combine some of our nation’s wildest natural places with a robust and diverse economic and population base. We enjoy some of the planet’s most precious natural wonders and natural resources -- requiring special care in preserving these assets for future generations.

I was born and raised in the Territory of Alaska and have lived my entire life in the Northwest. I have always been dependent on a healthy environment. I come to the job as Regional Administrator humbled by the responsibility that EPA Region 10 bears to keep our air pure, water clean and land better protected.

Our economy has transformed the wild Northwest to one of the world’s great industrial, agricultural, and shipping centers. Those who reside here understand better than most that a healthy environment and teeming economy compliment and encourage one another. EPA Region 10 staff make it a theme of our everyday work.

Since the creation of the EPA in 1970, Region 10 has been at the forefront of innovative environmental protection efforts. During the last 30-plus years, the economy has boomed while we’ve cleaned up our air, water, and lands in ways many never thought possible.

From the Regional Administrator

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From the Regional Administrator (52k)
Introduction (111k)

As we move into our next 30 years, the EPA’s committed crew of experts here in Region 10 is tackling some of the most complex natural resource issues anywhere: These are big jobs. But the EPA’s formula for success has always been to rely on close partnerships with industry, with other government agencies, and most importantly, with the people in our communities. Everyone has a stake in the health of our environment. EPA Region 10 looks ahead at great opportunities to protect our environment and our Northwest way of life.

L. John Iani - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10 - - - - -
June, 2002 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -

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