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ENERGY STAR Healthcare Energy Savings

Financial Analysis Calculators
Pilot Version 1.0

ENERGY STAR’s Healthcare Energy Savings Financial Analysis Calculators are designed to calculate the financial impact of improved energy performance for your organization. Organizations that reduce energy expenses and improve energy performance increase both their bottom line and their market valuation. These calculators are specially designed to help healthcare organizations quantify cumulative savings and communicate the value of their savings by translating it into metrics that resonate with key decision makers. Each calculator is further described below.

The ENERGY STAR Healthcare Energy Savings Financial Analysis Calculators Version 1.0 is available as a pilot version. We are looking for your comments, feedback and suggestions.

To access the folders, click “Download.” When prompted, save the file to your desktop and then open the file to begin using the Calculators. Download (0.98MB) file now.

These calculators are released as a pilot version so that we may obtain industry feedback to improve the usefulness of the calculators. Please send any questions, comments, and/or feedback to ENERGYSTARHealthcare@icfi.com.