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Become a Part of the Clean Energy Investors Directory

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has created a Directory of Clean Energy Investors to make it easier for entrepreneurs to locate investors actively involved in clean energy technologies. This directory will profile venture capital

companies and investors actively investing in clean energy technologies. It also provides investors with an opportunity to reach more entrepreneurs and establish their presence in the clean energy investment community. The directory is available nationally to energy entrepreneurs, members of the National Alliance of Clean Energy Incubators, the financial community, and others with an interest in the growing clean energy industry. We will regularly post directory updates on the NREL and/or other appropriate Web sites.

To be included in the directory, please fill out the online form, which is automatically submitted to our office. Or, if you prefer, you can fax the completed form to 303-275-3040.

If you have any questions about the directory and how it will be used, please contact Marty Murphy at 303-275-3050 or e-mail

How to Get Involved in NREL's Entrepreneurship Activities if You Are�

  • A Clean Energy Entrepreneur
  • A Clean Energy Investor
  • A High Tech Business Incubator
  • An Established Clean Energy Corporation
  • A University
Dr. L. Marty Murphy
Manager, Enterprise Development Programs
1617 Cole Boulevard
Golden, CO 80401-3393
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