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  Compliance Assistance Tools
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 1.  EPA New England - Hospital Environmental Assessment Template: An Environmental Compliance and Pollution Prevention Tool
This tool was developed for an Office of Environmental Compliance and Assistance (OECA) grant which was given to the University of New Hampshire Pollution Prevention Program. The tool was modified into three state specific tools for CT, RI and NH. The interns collected and compiled information from a total of 25 hospitals in the three states. A copy of the final report can be found at http://www.unh.edu/p2/nhppp/i2003.html. This tool is not all-inclusive and it does not include all Federal hospital requirements or preferable practices. If you are a VA there are additional requirements that will apply to you that are not covered in this template. In addition, you should also always check with your state for any additional state requirements. If you would like a word version of this document to customize for your state or EPA Region, please email Janet Bowen of EPA Region I at Bowen.Janet@epa .gov or call her directly at (617) 918-1795.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/region01/healthcare/pdfs/EPAHospitalTool.pdf
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 2.  Iowa Waste Reduction Center: Downloads
Continue to check back with us for select IWRC documents and other items of interest to the environmental community.
URL:  http://www.iwrc.org/downloads/
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 3.  Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange: Innovative P2 Technology
Want to find out the latest in pollution prevention innovative technology? Use this page to find the newest information concerning advances in this technology.
URL:  http://www.p2rx.org/P2InfoNexpert/P2tech.cfm
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 4.  A New Prescription: Pollution Prevention Strategies for the Health Care Industry
The State Regulations Locator (SRT) is an interactive tool designed to provide a simple means of locating state-specific regulatory information. With this tool you can find state environmental regulations, links to state agencies and contacts, read state news and press releases, and locate practical resources for your industry sector.
URL:  http://www.mass.gov/ota/pubs/MedP2wrkshp.htm
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 5.  List of Compliance Assistance Tools for Construction Sites
This table contains a list of compliance assistance tools developed by EPA, states, and other organizations for the construction sector. For each tool, the table lists the name of the assistance tool, the URL where it can be found, and an indication of the environmental focus area(s) that the tool addresses.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/publications/assistance/sector

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 6.  Pollution Prevention Planner
Use this tool to help you complete a pollution prevention plan which will save money by reducing your waste. The final product is a plan that complies with Texas' pollution prevention (P2) planning requirements. However, many companies who are not required to do planning use this tool to increase the efficiency of their operation.
URL:  http://www.zerowastenetwork.org/p2plan/index.cfm
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 7.  U.S. EPA Pollution Prevention (P2) Framework
This website contains information regarding the Pollution Prevention (P2) Framework implemented at EPA.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/oppt/p2framework/
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 8.  P2Rx Topic Hub: Ship Building and Repair
This is the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) ?Topic Hub? for the ship building and repair industry sector. A topic hub is a carefully collected set of web links and other resources (contact information, topical overviews, etc) on a specific pollution prevention topic.
URL:  http://www.pprc.org/hubs/toc.cfm?hub=32&subsec=7&nav=7
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 9.  P2Rx Topic Hub: Pollution Prevention
This is the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) Topic Hub for pollution prevention. A topic hub is a carefully collected set of web links and other resources (contact information, topical overviews, etc) on a specific pollution prevention topic.
URL:  http://www.p2ric.org/TopicHubs/toc.cfm?hub=26&subsec=7&nav=7
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 10.  P2Rx Topic Hub: Paint and Coating Manufacturing
This is the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) ?Topic Hub? for the paint and coating manufacturing sector. A topic hub is a carefully collected set of web links and other resources (contact information, topical overviews, etc) on a specific pollution prevention topic.
URL:  http://www.pprc.org/hubs/toc.cfm?hub=28&subsec=7&nav=7
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URL: http://cfpub2.epa.gov/clearinghouse/index.cfm?TopicID=C:10:300:
Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008