BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Mexico Local time: 09:53 AM

Business Opportunities in Tijuana

Various pictures of events with US CS Tijuana staff

Baja California at a Glance

With a population of approximately 3.5 million, an annual growth rate of 4.34 percent, and a GDP of US$15,148 million, Baja California is Mexico's leading producer of television and computer monitors, with an estimated production of 20 million in 2006.  It is divided into five municipalities: Tijuana with 46.94 percent of the population, Mexicali, the state’s capital with 32.95 percent, Ensenada with 14.91 percent, Tecate with 2.96 percent and Playas de Rosarito with 2.2 percent.  Tijuana, where the border program takes place, is a hardworking industrial community with more than 40 years of experience in international production-sharing activities.  It has more maquiladora plants than any other city in the country, with 575, and more than 140,000 workers. Electronics account for 30 percent (directly or indirectly) of the maquiladoras in the city.  A large percentage of the maquiladoras are firms from Southeast Asia and the U.S.; among them Sony, Samsung, Sanyo, Panasonic and Sharp. 

More than manufacturing…

The dynamic manufacturing industry in the city creates areas of opportunity for in other sectors and following is a short list of infrastructure/development projects taking place in the region:

  • An aqueduct to bring water from the Colorado River to Tijuana;
  • Three water treatment plants;
  • A natural gas pipeline to supply the industrial sector of the state;
  • A inter-modal transportation terminal;
  • Very significant development of low-medium housing projects. This industry has grown over 300 percent in the last 10 years.

Border Development Program: September 25, 2008

This program offers participants “hands-on” exposure to the physical transportation and documentation process of cross-border trade. It enhances the participant’s knowledge of the economic and trade dynamics of the region and provides specific insight into how to export into this important business market. If you are seeking to launch or expand your export business south of the border, you will not want to miss this event.  Please click here to read further details.

Upcoming Trade Events in Tijuana

BajaMak 2008; October 9, 2008; Tijuana, B.C.

Bajamak is a regional tradeshow focused on promoting the industry's supply requirements based in Baja California, as well as products and services from specialized providers in order to increase local companies level of integration to the industrial sector productive chain. BajaMak is divided into 5 specialized pavilions in the aerospace, automotive, medical, metal mechanical and electronics sectors, where leading industries will promote their supply and service requirements. Each of these pavilions will host industrial suppliers and service providers companies from the US and Mexico, as well as a pavilion for shelters companies or outsourcing and software developers. For more information, please click here.


"Southwest Forest Products, Inc. has been extremely pleased with your border program service. You have helped us obtain information on new customers we would like to export our timbers to that we would not have found on our own. All of you have been extremely professional and helpful in every aspect of the exporting process. Keep up the good work!!!"

Jessica Van Der Toorn
Southwest Forest Products, Inc.

Success Stories

U.S. Commercial Service Tijuana Team working with Craftech Corporation

As a result of the collaborative efforts of Tijuana Commercial Service Office and Newport Export Assistance Center, Craftech has secured its first contract with the Pioneer Speakers, S.A. Mr. Bonetto indicated the annual contract is for a minimum of $1 million. Click here to read full text.

U.S. Commercial Service Tijuana Team working with Hobsons U.S. Education Guides

"The U.S. Commercial Service Student Fairs in Tijuana are always a very valuable recruiting channel. They are strongly promoted in the area which results in receiving high quality students. Hobsons is very well represented, our guides are well promoted and students have shown great interest in the colleges and universities profiled in the Latin America Edition. The Tijuana team are very efficient and friendly." Click here to read full text.

Daniela Locreille
Int'l & Grad Division Hobsons Americas

U.S. Commercial Service Tijuana Team working with ABS INC. 

"Your program has enabled ABS INC. to now provide and reach potential customers that use wiping rags in Tijuana. The most important aspects of your program that has helped us tremendously has been, (1) your follow ups on my e-mails to potential customers, and most importantly, (2) your always positive and quick responses to any questions or inquiries that I might have. Thank you again for all of your help."

Greg Colbert
ABS, Inc.

For questions, comments, suggestions, please contact:

Alejandro Delgado, Commercial Assistant

American Consulate General / U.S. Commercial Service: Tapachula 96, Col. Hipodromo Tijuana, B.C. 22420
P.O. Box 439039, San Diego, CA 92143
Tel./Fax.  +52 (664) 622-7450 / +52 (664) 622-7419