RGI Projects in 2003 | Region 10 | US EPA

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RGI Projects in 2003

Note: Because selection criteria may change from year to year, not all of the grants listed below would be competitive with current RGI selection criteria. Please review the current criteria carefully before applying for this year's funds.

Project NameProtecting Kenai Peninsula's Salmon Streams
Project DescriptonKenai Peninsula's salmon streams support the region's economic, social, and cultural well- being and an abundance of fish and wildlife species. To protect these important streams, Cook Inlet Keeper will collect water quality and wetland data from lower Kenai Peninsula watersheds necessary for the sound management and protection of public resources.
Project NameIdaho Crop Residue Disposal Communication Initiative
Project DescriptionProposed program is designed to address needs for better communication regarding field burning with Idaho citizens and growers. These needs are addressed through enhanced programming, email, media and internet outreach. GIS mapping is utilized to provide specific, daily information on burning activities through enhanced database management, programming and hardware.
Project NameBiological Control of Weeds - Implementation, Distribution, and Technology Xfr
Project DescriptionProject will collect or organize collections of USDA APHIS PPQ Approved biological control agents for each of the identified weed species for distribution at technology transfer field workshops and seminars regionally throughout Idaho. Cooperative Weed Management Areas will be the conduit for setting up workshop locations and prioritizing targeted weed species. In addition, project will establish mass rearing programs for those agents that are currently unavailable or only available on a limited basis for future distribution throughout the state.
Project NameEnvironmental Resource Protection in the Southern Willamette Valley
Project DescriptionThis project will seek to prevent environmental degradation by using GIS models and baseline data to measure and monitor impacts of Alternative Growth Scenarios on air and water quality and rare habitat types. The outcome will yield critical information for development and monitoring of a Regional Growth Management Strategy.
Project NameRogue Basin Biomonitoring Project
Project DescriptionThis project provides every watershed council with experienced bioassessment teams - 15 - 20 total - trained and equipped for DEQ standardized macroinvertebrate sampling. Teams increase local capacity for baseline and multi-season studies, project effectiveness, biomonitoring, and prompt response to distrubance events. The same equipment and training support "Kids and Bugs" events that draw students, families and fishermen into informative educational activities focused on clean water and salmon restoration.
Project NameDeveloping Natural Herbicides for No-Till Organic Farming
Project DescriptionWe aim to conbine No-till (NT) and Organic farming (OF). Both systems address environmental problems caused by conventional farming but are antagonistic in approach. To control weeds, NT uses herbicides and OF uses tillage. Developing natural herbicides will make NTOF work. NTOF will sustain agriculture without any adverse effects on the environment.
Project NameNeighborhood Level Diesel Exhaust Component Monitoring Near Freeway
Project DescriptionA novel particulate matter measurement system and an NO2 sampling network will quantify ambient levels and penetration of diesel generated contaminants into neighborhoods along the Portland I-5 corridor. Community engagement and scientific investigation will produce high quality data for public and scientific dissemination about neighborhood level impacts of diesel exhaust.
Project NameLand Use and Coho Prespawning Mortality in the Snohomish Watershed
Project DescriptionWashington Trout will perform coho salmon spawning success surveys in 18 sub-basins within the Snohomish watershed in Western Washington. Study basins will represent a gradient of land-use: urban/suburban, rural residential/agricultural, rural unimpacted. Coho spawning success will be documented to elucidate the relationship between coho prespawning mortality rates and land use.
Project NameIntegrated Spatial Framework of the Effects of Urbanization, Ocean Ecosystems, and Human Health in Puget Sound
Project DescriptionThis project develops an integrated spatial framework to quantify the relationship between human and biophysical stressors, processes, exposure and effects in Puget Sound region. Our study will explore how urbanization affects the health of marine and nearshore areas, and how those impacts in turn affect human health.
Project NameJimmycomelately Creek and Estuary Restoration GIS Database Model
Project DescriptionThis project will establish a Geographic Information Systems model for the storage, organization and analysis of information from the Jimmycomelately Estuary Restoration Project's 10-year monitoring plan. A centralized database will be created using the latest remote sensing data to integrate, cross-reference and analyze ecological and geographical data.
Project NamePuget Sound-Georgia Basin Transboundary Ecosystem Indicators
Project DescriptionThis project will select and develop reports on indicators of environmental condition for the transboundary Puget Sound-Georgia Basin ecosystem. Federal, state, provincial, and non- governmental partners in the U.S. and Canada will collaborate on indicator selection. Agencies responsible for developing and managing the relevant data will develop reports on selected indicators.

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