HQ Navy Hosted Web Sites

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Room BF986
Washington, DC 20350-1000 (703)695-6009

DoN AAUSN IT Services Logo

Assistant for Administration
Office of the Secretary of the Navy
1000 Navy Pentagon Room 4D572
Washington, DC. 20350-1000

Welcome to the Department of the Navy / AAUSN IT Services. We provide information technology services to the Secretariat and staff offices.

This web server hosts and provides links to several web sites:  HQ Navy Web Sites.

Information about the Naval District of Washington and the Washington Navy Yard.

Information about Naval history, or history about Navy Ships please visit The Navy Historical Center.

To obtain veteran records or replacement medals please visit The U.S. National Archives & Record Administration.

For other Navy information or questions, see: Navy FAQ.

Please read our Privacy Notice.

GILS Registration Number (UID): 46620

This is an Official U.S. Navy Web site.