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Federal Travel Regulation Chapter 302 -- Relocation Allowances

Chapter 302—Relocation Allowances
Subchapter C—Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Allowances for Subsistence and Transportation Expenses

Part 302-4—Allowances for Subsistence and Transportation

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5738; 20 U.S.C. 905 (a); E.O. 11609, 36 FR 13747, 3 CFR, 1971–1973 Comp., p. 586.

Subpart A—Eligibility

Note to Subpart A: Use of pronouns “I”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the employee, unless otherwise noted.

§302-4.1  What is a permanent change of station (PCS)?

A permanent change of station (PCS) is an assignment of a new appointee to an official station or the transfer of an employee from one official station to another on a permanent basis.

§302-4.2  Am I eligible for subsistence and transportation allowances for PCS travel under this part?

Yes, you are eligible for subsistence and transportation allowances for PCS travel if your agency specifically authorizes relocation expenses under this part and are:

(a) Transferred employees (within or outside CONUS);

(b) New appointees (within or outside CONUS); and

(c) An employees assigned to posts of duty outside CONUS in connection with either overseas tour renewal agreement travel or return travel to places of residence for separation.

Note to §302-4.2: Also see tables at §§302-3.2 and 302-3.101.

Subpart B—Travel Expenses

§302-4.100  What PCS travel expenses will my immediate family members receive?

Except as specifically provided in §302-4.202, the rules (for TDY travel) in Chapter 301 of this title will be used for payment of the travel expenses of your immediate family members.

§302-4.101  Must my immediate family member(s) and I begin PCS travel at the old official station and end at the new official station?

No, if an alternate location is used, reimbursement is limited to the allowable cost by the usually traveled route between your old and new official stations.

Subpart C—Per Diem

§302-4.200  What per diem rate will I receive for en route relocation travel within CONUS?

Your per diem for en route relocation travel between your old and new official stations will be at the standard CONUS rate (see applicable FTR Per Diem Bulletins available on the Internet at You will be reimbursed in accordance with §§301-11.100 through 301-11.102 of this title.

§302-4.201  How are my authorized en route travel days and per diem determined for relocation travel?

Your authorized en route travel days and per diem are determined as follows: The number of authorized travel days is the actual number of days used to complete the trip, but not to exceed an amount based on a minimum driving distance per day determined to be reasonable by your agency. The minimum driving distance shall be not less than an average of 300 miles per calendar day. An exception to the daily minimum driving distance may be made when delay is beyond control of the employee, such as when it results from acts of God or restrictions by Government officials; when the employee is physically handicapped; or for other reasons acceptable to the agency.

§302-4.202  Are there any circumstances in which a per diem allowance for my immediate family members is not allowed?

Yes, per diem for your immediate family members cannot be authorized if you are:

(a) A new appointee;

(b) Assigned to posts of duty outside CONUS returning to place of actual residence for separation; or

(c) Being relocated under the Government Employees Training Act (5 U.S.C. 4109).

Transferred Employees Only

§302-4.203  How much per diem will my spouse receive if he/she accompanies me while I am performing PCS travel?

The maximum amount your spouse may receive if he/she accompanies you while you are performing PCS travel is three-fourths of your daily per diem rate.

§302-4.204  If my spouse does not accompany me but travels unaccompanied at a different time, what per diem rate will he/she receive?

If your spouse does not accompany you but travels unaccompanied at a different time, he/she will receive the same per diem rate to which you are entitled.

§302-4.205  If my spouse and I travel on the same days along the same general route by using more than one POV, is my spouse considered unaccompanied?

No; for per diem purposes, you and your spouse are considered to be traveling together if you travel on the same days along the same general route by using more than one POV.

§302-4.206  How much per diem will my immediate family receive?

Immediate family members age 12 or older receive three-fourths of your per diem rate, and children under 12 receive one-half of your per diem rate.

Subpart D—Mileage Rates for Use of POV

§302-4.300  What is the POV mileage rate for PCS travel?

For approved/authorized PCS travel by POV, the mileage reimbursement rate is the same as the moving expense mileage rate established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for moving expense deductions. See IRS guidance available on the Internet at GSA publishes the rate for mileage reimbursement in an FTR Bulletin on an intermittent basis. You may find the FTR Bulletins at

§302-4.301  Do the rates in §302-4.300 apply if I am performing overseas tour renewal agreement travel?

No, POV mileage must not be authorized for overseas tour renewal agreement travel.

§302-4.302  Are there circumstances that would allow me to receive a higher mileage rate OCONUS?

Yes, your agency may authorize a higher mileage rate at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate prescribed in §301-11.303 of this title when:

(a) You are expected to use the POV on official business at the new official station;

(b) The common carrier rates for the facilities provided between the old and new official stations, the related constructive taxicab fares to and from terminals, and the per diem allowances prescribed under this part justify a higher mileage rate as advantageous to the Government as determined by your agency; or

(c) The costs of driving the POV to, from, or between official stations located outside CONUS justify a higher mileage rate as advantageous to the Government.

§302-4.303  For relocation within the continental United States (CONUS), may I use the actual expense method of reimbursement instead of the POV mileage rate specified in §302-4.300?

No, for a PCS relocation within CONUS involving POV usage, your agency will reimburse you at the standard mileage rate specified in §302-4.300.

§302-4.304  For relocation outside the continental United States (OCONUS), may my agency allow actual expense reimbursement instead of the POV mileage rate for PCS travel?

Yes, for an OCONUS relocation involving POV usage, your agency may allow reimbursement of certain actual expenses of using the POV (i.e., fuel plus the additional expenses listed in §301-10.304).

Subpart E—Daily Driving Distance Requirements

§302-4.400  Will I be required to drive a minimum distance per day?

Yes, your agency may establish a reasonable minimum driving distance that may be more than, but not less than an average of 300 miles per calendar day.

§302-4.401  Are there exceptions to this daily minimum?

Yes, your agency may authorize exceptions to the daily minimum driving distance when there is a delay beyond your control such as acts of God, restrictions by Governmental authorities, or other acceptable reasons; e.g., a physical handicap or special needs. Your agency must have a designated approving official authorize the exception.

§302-4.402  Will I be required to document the circumstances causing the delay?

Yes, you must provide a statement on your travel claim explaining the circumstances that caused the delay.

§302-4.403  Does this exception require authorization by my approving official?

Yes, authorization by your approving official is required for any exception to the daily minimum driving distance.

Subpart F—Use of More Than One POV

§302-4.500  If I am authorized to use more than one POV, what are the allowances?

When you are authorized to use more than one POV, the allowances under §§302-4.300 and 302-4.302 apply for each POV.

§302-4.501  If I use an additional POV that was not authorized for PCS travel, will I be reimbursed for the additional POV?

No, your agency must authorize you reimbursement of the use of more than one POV before you are entitled to reimbursement.

Subpart G—Advance of Funds

§302-4.600  May I request an advance of funds for per diem and mileage allowances for PCS travel?

You may request advance of funds for per diem and mileage allowances for PCS travel, except for overseas tour renewal agreement travel.

Subpart H—Agency Responsibilities

Note to Subpart H: Use of pronouns “we”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the agency, unless otherwise noted.

§302-4.700  What governing policies must we establish for payment of allowances for subsistence and transportation expenses?

For payment of allowances for subsistence and transportation expenses, you must establish policy and procedures governing:

(a) How you will implement the regulations throughout this part;

(b) A reasonable minimum driving distance per day that may be more than, but not less than a average of 300 miles per calendar day when use of a POV is used for PCS travel and when you will authorize an exception;

(c) Designation of an agency approving official who will authorize an exception to the daily minimum driving distance; and

(d) When you will authorize the use of more than one POV for PCS travel.

§302-4.701  What PCS travel expenses must we pay?

Except as specifically provided in this chapter, PCS travel expenses you must pay are:

(a) Per diem;

(b) Transportation costs; and

(c) Other travel expenses in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5701-5709 and Chapter 301 of this title.

§302-4.702  What PCS travel expenses must we pay for the employee’s immediate family members?

Except as specifically provided in this chapter, the reimbursement limits in Chapter 301 of this title govern payment of travel expenses you must pay for the employee’s immediate family members.

§302-4.703  How do we compute the per diem for an established minimum driving distance per day?

Per diem for an established minimum driving distance per day is computed based on the lodgings-plus per diem system as described in §§301-11.100 through 301-11.102 of this title.

§302-4.704  Must we require a minimum driving distance per day?

Yes, you must establish a minimum driving distance not less than an average of 300 miles per day. However, an exception to the daily minimum driving distance may be made when the delay is:

(a) Beyond control of the employee, e.g., results from acts of God or restrictions by Government officials;

(b) Due to a physical handicap; or

(c) For other reasons acceptable to you.

§302-4.705  What are the allowances if the employee uses more POVs than authorized?

If the employee uses more POVs than authorized, reimbursement will be made as if all persons traveled in the number of POVs that you authorized.