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Federal Travel Regulation Chapter 302 -- Relocation Allowances

Chapter 302—Relocation Allowances
Subchapter D—Transportation and Storage of Property

Part 302-9—Allowances for Transportation and Emergency Storage of a Privately Owned Vehicle

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5738; 20 U.S.C. 905(a); E.O. 11609, 36 FR 13747, 3 CFR, 1971–1975 Comp., p. 586.

Subpart A—General Rules

Note to Subpart A: Use of pronouns “I”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the employee, unless otherwise noted.

§302-9.1  What is a “privately owned vehicle (POV)”?

A “privately owned vehicle (POV)” is a motor vehicle not owned by the Government and used by the employee or his/her immediate family for the primary purpose of providing personal transportation.

§302-9.2  What is an “official station” for purposes of this part?

An “official station” is defined in Part 300-3 of this title. For purposes of this part, an “official station” may be within or outside the continental United States (OCONUS).

§302-9.3  What is a “post of duty” for purposes of this part?

For purposes of this part, a “post of duty” is an official station outside CONUS.

§302-9.4  What are the purposes of the allowance for transportation of a POV?

To reduce the Government’s overall relocation costs by allowing transportation of a POV to your official station within CONUS when it is advantageous and cost effective to the Government, and to improve our overall effectiveness if you are transferred or otherwise reassigned to a post of duty at which it is in the interest of the Government for you to have use of a POV for personal transportation.

§302-9.5  What is the purpose of the allowance for emergency storage of a POV?

The purpose of the allowance for emergency storage of a POV is to protect a POV transported at Government expense to your post of duty when the head of your agency determines that the post of duty is within a zone from which your immediate family and/or household goods should be evacuated.

§302-9.6  What POV transportation and emergency storage may my agency authorize at Government expense?

Your agency may authorize the following POV transportation and emergency storage at Government expense:

(a) Transportation of a POV to a post of duty as provided in

Subpart B of this part.

(b) Transportation of a POV from a post of duty as provided in Subpart C of this part.

(c) Transportation of a POV within CONUS as provided in Subpart D of this part.

(d) Emergency storage of a POV as provided in Subpart E of this part.

§302-9.7  Must my agency authorize transportation or emergency storage of my POV?

No; however, if your agency does authorize transportation of a POV to your post of duty and you complete your service agreement, your agency must pay for the cost of returning the POV. Your agency determines the conditions under which it will pay for transportation and emergency storage and the procedures a transferred employee must follow.

§302-9.8  What type of POV may I be authorized to transport, and if necessary, store under emergency circumstances?

Only a passenger automobile, station wagon, light truck, or other similar vehicle that will be used primarily for personal transportation may be authorized to transport, and if necessary store under emergency circumstances. You may not transport or store a trailer, airplane, or any vehicle intended for commercial use.

§302-9.9  For what transportation expenses will my agency pay?

When your agency authorizes transportation of your POV, it will pay for all necessary and customary expenses directly related to the transportation of the POV, including crating and packing expenses, shipping charges, and port charges for readying the POV for shipment at the port of embarkation, and for use at the port of debarkation.

§302-9.10  For what POV emergency storage expenses will my agency pay?

Your agency will pay all necessary storage expenses, including but not limited to readying the POV for storage, local transportation to point of storage, storage, readying the POV for use after storage, and local transportation from the point of storage. Insurance on the POV is at your expense, unless it is included in the expenses allowed by this paragraph.

§302-9.11  May I receive an advance of funds for transportation and emergency storage of my POV?

Yes, you may receive advance funds in accordance with §302-2.20 of this chapter and not to exceed the estimated amount of the expenses authorized under this part for transportation and emergency storage of your POV.

§302-9.12  May my agency determine that driving my POV is more advantageous and limit my reimbursement to what it would cost to drive my POV?

Yes, your agency decides whether it is more advantageous for you and/or a member of your immediate family to drive your POV for all or part of the distance or to have it transported. If your agency decides that driving the POV is more advantageous, your reimbursement will be limited to the allowances provided in Part 302-4 of this chapter for the travel and transportation expenses you and/or your immediate family incur en route.

Subpart B—Transportation


§302-9.100  Who is eligible for transportation of a POV to a post of duty?

An employee who is authorized to transfer to the post of duty, or a new appointee or student trainee assigned to the post of duty.

§302-9.101  In what situations may my agency authorize transportation of a POV to my post of duty?

Your agency may authorize transportation when:

(a) At the time of your assignment, conditions warrant such authorization under §302-9.140;

(b) Conditions that once precluded prior authorization have changed to warrant such authorization under §302-9.170; or

(c) Subsequent to the time of your assignment, conditions warrant authorization under §302-9.172 of a replacement POV.

§302-9.102  How many POV’s may I transport to a post of duty?

You may transport one POV to a post of duty. However, this does not, however, limit the transportation of a replacement POV when authorized under §302-9.172.

§302-9.103  Do I have to ship my POV to my actual post of duty?

Yes, you must ship your POV to your actual post of duty. You may not transport the POV to an alternate location.

§302-9.104  What may I do if there is no port or terminal at the point of origin and/or destination?

If there is no port or terminal at the point of origin and/or destination, your agency will pay the entire cost of transporting the POV from your point of origin to your destination. If you prefer, however, you may choose to drive your POV from your point of origin at time of assignment to the nearest embarkation port or terminal, and/or from the debarkation port or terminal nearest your destination to your post of duty at any time. If you choose to drive, you will be reimbursed your one-way mileage cost, at the rate specified in Part 302-4 of this title, for driving the POV from your authorized origin to deliver it to the port of embarkation, or from the port of debarkation to the authorized destination. For the segment of travel from the port of embarkation back to your authorized origin after delivering the POV to the port or from your authorized destination to the port of debarkation to pick up the POV, you will be reimbursed your one-way transportation cost. The total cost of round-trip travel, to deliver the POV to the port at the origin or to pickup the POV at the port at your destination, may not exceed the cost of transporting the POV to or from the port involved. You may not be reimbursed a per diem allowance for round-trip travel to and from the port involved.

POV Transportation at Time of Assignment

§302-9.140  Under what specific conditions may my agency authorize transportation of a POV to my post of duty upon my assignment to that post of duty?

Your agency may authorize transportation of a POV to your post of duty when:

(a) It has determined in accordance with §302-9.503 that it is in the interest of the Government for you to have use of your POV at the post of duty;

(b) You have signed a service agreement; and

(c) You meet any specific conditions your agency has established.

§302-9.141  What is the “authorized point of origin” when I transport a POV to my post of duty?

Your “authorized point of origin” is as follows:

If you are a

Your “authorized point of origin” is your

(a) Transferee

Old official station.

(b) New appointee or student trainee

Place of actual residence.

§302-9.142  What will I be reimbursed if I transport a POV from a point of origin that is different from the authorized point of origin?

If you transport a POV from a point of origin that is different from the authorized point of origin, you will be reimbursed the transportation costs you incur, not to exceed the cost of transporting your POV from your authorized point of origin to your post of duty.

§302-9.143  When I am authorized to transport a POV, may I have the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s agent transport a new POV from the factory or other shipping point directly to my post of duty?

Yes, when you are authorized to transport a POV, you may have the manufacture or the manufacturer’s agent transport a new POV from the factory or other shipping point directly to your post of duty provided:

(a) You purchased the POV new from the manufacturer or

manufacturer’s agent;

(b) The POV is transported FOB-shipping point, consigned to you and/or a member of your immediate family, or your agent; and

(c) Ownership of the POV is not vested in the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s agent during transportation. In this circumstance, you will be reimbursed for the POV transportation costs, not to exceed the cost of transporting the POV from your authorized point of origin to your post of duty.

POV Transportation Subsequent to the Time of Assignment

§302-9.170  Under what specific conditions may my agency authorize transportation of a POV to my post of duty subsequent to the time of my assignment to that post?

Your agency may authorize transportation of a POV to your post of duty subsequent to the time of your assignment to that post when:

(a) You do not have a POV at your post of duty;

(b) You have not previously been authorized to transport a POV to that post of duty;

(c) You have not previously transported a POV outside CONUS during your assignment to that post of duty;

(d) Your agency has determined in accordance with §302-9.503 that it is in the interest of the Government for you to have use of your POV at the post of duty; and

(e) You signed a service agreement at the time you were transferred in the interest of the Government, or assigned if you were a new appointee or student trainee, to your post of duty; and

(f) You meet any specific conditions your agency has established.

§302-9.171  If circumstances warrant an authorization to transport a POV to my post of duty after my assignment to the post of duty, must I sign a new service agreement?

No, if circumstances changed after arrival at your new post of duty to warrant authorization to transport a POV, you are not required to sign a new service agreement, provided a service agreement was signed at the time of your assignment to the post of duty. Violation of that service agreement, however, will result in your personal liability for the cost of transporting the POV.

§302-9.172  Under what conditions may my agency authorize transportation of a replacement POV to my post of duty?

Your agency may authorize transportation of a replacement POV to your post of duty when:

(a) You require an emergency replacement POV and you meet the following conditions:

(1) You had a POV which was transported to your post of duty at Government expense; and

(2) You require a replacement POV for reasons beyond your control and acceptable to your agency, such as the POV is stolen, or seriously damaged or destroyed, or has deteriorated due to conditions at the post of duty; and

(3) Your agency determines in advance of authorization that a replacement POV is necessary and in the interest of the Government; or

(b) You require a non-emergency replacement POV and you meet the following conditions:

(1) You have a POV which was transported to a post of duty at Government expense;

(2) You have been stationed continuously during a 4-year period at one or more posts of duty; and

(3) Your agency has determined that it is in the Government’s interest for you to continue to have a POV at your post of duty.

§302-9.173  How many replacement POV’s may my agency authorize me to transport to my post of duty at Government expense?

Your agency may authorize one emergency replacement POV within any 4-year period of continuous service. It may authorize one non-emergency replacement POV after every four years of continuous service beginning on the date you first have use of the POV being replaced.

§302-9.174  What is the “authorized point of origin” when I transport a POV, including a replacement POV, to my post of duty subsequent to the time of my assignment to that post of duty?

Your agency determines the authorized point of origin within the United States when you transport a POV, including a replacement POV, to your post of duty subsequent to the time of your assignment to that post of duty.

§302-9.175  When I am authorized to transport a POV, including a replacement POV, to my post of duty subsequent to the time of my assignment to that post of duty, may I have the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s agent transport a new POV from the factory or other shipping point directly to my post of duty?

Yes, you may have the manufacture or manufacture’s agent transport a new POV from the factory or other shipping point to your post of duty under the same conditions specified in §302-9.143.

Subpart C—Return Transportation of a POV From a Post of Duty

§302-9.200  When am I eligible for return transportation of a POV from my post of duty?

You are eligible for POV transportation from your post of duty when:

(a) You were transferred to a post of duty in the interest of the Government; and

(b) You have a POV at the post of duty.

§302-9.201  In what situations will my agency pay to transport a POV from my post of duty?

Your agency will pay to transport a POV from your post of duty when:

(a) You are transferred back to the official station (including post of duty) from which you transferred to your current post of duty;

(b) You are transferred to a new official station within CONUS;

(c) You are transferred to a new post of duty, where your agency determines that use of a POV at that location is not in the interest of the Government;

(d) You separate from Government service after completion of an agreed period of service at the post of duty where your agency determined the use of a the POV to be in the interest of the Government;

(e) You separate from Government service prior to completion of an agreed period of service at the post of duty where your agency determined the use of a POV to be in the interest of the Government, and the separation is for reasons beyond your control and acceptable to your agency; or

(f) Conditions change at your post of duty such that use of the POV no longer is in the best interest of the Government.

§302-9.202  When do I become entitled to return transportation of my POV from my post of duty to an authorized destination?

You become entitled to return transportation of your POV from your post of duty to an authorized destination when:

(a) Your agency determined the use of a POV at your post of duty was in the interest of the Government;

(b) You have the POV at your post of duty; and

(c) You have completed your service agreement.

§302-9.203  Is there any circumstance under which I may be authorized to transport my POV from a post of duty before completing my service agreement?

Yes, if conditions change at your post of duty such that use of your POV no longer is in the interest of the Government, or if you separate from Government service prior to completion of your service agreement for reasons beyond your control and acceptable to your agency, your agency may authorize return transportation to your authorized destination. When the return transportation is based on changed conditions, you are still required to complete your service agreement. If you do not, you will be required to repay the transportation costs.

§302-9.204  What is the “authorized point of origin” when I transport my POV from my post of duty?

The “authorized point of origin” when you transport your POV from your post of duty is the last post of duty to which you were authorized to transport your POV at Government expense.

§302-9.205  What is the “authorized destination” of a POV transported under this subpart?

The “authorized destination” of a POV transported under this subpart is illustrated in the following table:


The authorized destination of the POV you transport at Government expense is

(a) You are transferred to an Official station within CONUS.

Your official station.



(1) You are transferred to another post of duty and use of a POV at the new post is not in the interest of the Government;

Your place of actual residence.

(2) You separate from Government service and are eligible for transportation of your POV from your post of duty; or

Your place of actual residence.

(3) Conditions change at your post of duty such that use of your POV no longer is in the interest of the Government at that post of duty.

Your place of actual residence.

§302-9.206  What should I do if there is no port or terminal at my authorized point of origin or authorized destination when I transport a POV from my post of duty?

If there is no port or terminal at your authorized point of origin or authorized destination, your agency will pay the entire cost of transporting the POV from your authorized origin to your authorized destination. If you prefer, however, you may choose to drive your POV to the port of embarkation and/or from the port of debarkation. If you choose to drive, you will be reimbursed in the same manner as an employee under §302-9.104.

§302-9.207  What will I be reimbursed if I transport my POV from a point of origin or to a destination that is different from my authorized origin or destination?

You will be reimbursed the transportation costs you actually incur, not to exceed what it would have cost to transport your POV from your authorized origin to the authorized destination.

§302-9.208  If I retain my POV at my post of duty after conditions change to make use of the POV no longer in the best interest of the Government, may I transport it at Government expense from the post of duty at a later date?

Yes, your agency will pay the transportation costs not to exceed the cost of transporting it to the authorized destination, provided you otherwise meet all conditions for transporting a POV.

§302-9.209  Under what conditions may my agency authorize me to transport from my post of duty a replacement POV purchased at that post of duty?

Your agency may authorize transportation of a replacement POV purchased at a post of duty from the same post of duty only if:

(a) At the time you purchased the replacement POV, you met the conditions in §302-9.172; and

(b) Prior to purchase of the replacement POV, your agency authorized you to purchase a replacement POV at the post of duty.

Subpart D—Transportation of a POV Within the Continental United States (CONUS)

§302-9.300  When am I eligible for transportation of my POV within CONUS at Government expense?

You are eligible for transportation of your POV within CONUS at Government expenses when:

(a) You are an employee who transfers within CONUS in the interest of the Government; or

(b) You are a new appointee or student trainee relocating to your first official station within CONUS.

§302-9.301  Under what conditions may my agency authorize transportation of my POV within CONUS?

Your agency will authorize transportation of your POV within CONUS only when:

(a) It has determined that use of your POV to transport you and/or your immediate family from your old official station (or place of actual residence, if you are a new appointee or student trainee) to your new official station would be advantageous to the Government;

(b) Both your old official station (or place of actual residence, if you are a new appointee or student trainee) and your new official station are located within CONUS; and

(c) Your agency further determines that it would be more advantageous and cost effective to the Government to transport your POV to the new official station at Government expense and to pay for transportation of you and/or your immediate family by commercial means than to have you or an immediate family member drive the POV to the new official station.

§302-9.302  How many POV’s may I transport within CONUS?

You may transport any number of POV’s within CONUS under this subpart, provided your agency determines such transportation is advantageous and cost effective to the Government.

§302-9.303  If I am authorized to transport my POV within CONUS, where must the transportation originate?

If you are authorized to transport your POV within CONUS, the transportation must originate as illustrated in the following table:

If you are a

Your transportation must originate at your

(a) Transferee,

Old official station.

(b) New appointee or Student trainee,

Place of actual residence.

§302-9.304  If I am authorized to transport my POV within CONUS, what must the destination be?

If you are authorized to transport your POV within CONUS your destination must be your new official station.

Subpart E—Emergency Storage of a POV

§302-9.400  When am I eligible for emergency storage of my POV?

You are eligible for emergency storage of your POV when:

(a) Your POV was transported to your post of duty at Government expense; and

(b) The head of your agency determines that your post of duty is within a zone from which your immediate family and/or household goods should be evacuated.

§302-9.401  Where may I store my POV if I receive notice to evacuate my immediate family and/or household goods from my post of duty?

If you receive notice to evacuate your immediate family and/or HHG for your post of duty, you may store your POV at a place determined to be reasonable by your agency whether the POV is already located at, or being transported to, your post of duty.

Subpart F—Agency Responsibilities

Note to Subpart F: Use of pronouns “we”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the agency.

§302-9.500  What means of transportation may we authorize for POV’s?

You may authorize:

(a) Commercial means of transportation for POV’s if available at reasonable rates and under reasonable conditions; or

(b) Government means of transportation for POV’s on a space-available basis.

§302-9.501  How should we administer the allowances for transportation and emergency storage of a POV?

To minimize costs and promote an efficient workforce, you should provide an employee use of his/her POV when it mutually benefits the Government and the employee.

§302-9.502  What governing policies must we establish for the allowances for transportation and emergency storage of a POV?

You must establish policies governing:

(a) When you will authorize transportation and emergency storage of a POV;

(b) When you will authorize transportation of a replacement POV;

(c) Who will determine if transportation of a POV to or from a post of duty is in the interest of the Government;

(d) Who will determine if conditions have changed at an employee’s post of duty to warrant transportation of a POV in the interest of the Government;

(e) Who will determine if transportation of a POV wholly within CONUS is more advantageous and cost effective than having the employee drive the POV to the new official station; and

(f) Who will determine whether to allow emergency storage of an employee’ s POV, including where to store the POV.

§302-9.503  Under what condition may we authorize transportation of a POV to a post of duty?

You may authorize transportation of a POV to a post of duty only when you determine, after consideration of the factors in §302-9.504, that it is in the interest of the Government for the employee to have use of a POV at the post of duty.

§302-9.504  What factors must we consider in deciding whether to authorize transportation of a POV to a post of duty?

When deciding whether to authorize transportation of a POV to a post of duty, you must consider if:

(a) Local conditions at the employee’s post of duty warrant use of a POV;

(b) Use of the POV will contribute to the employee’s effectiveness on the job;

(c) Use of a POV of the type involved will be suitable under local conditions at the post of duty; and

(d) The cost of transporting the POV to and from the post of duty will be excessive, considering the time the employee has agreed to serve.

§302-9.505  What must we consider in determining whether transportation of a POV within CONUS is cost effective?

When determining whether transportation of a POV within CONUS is cost effective, you must consider the:

(a) Cost of traveling by POV;

(b) Cost of transporting the POV;

(c) Cost of travel if the POV is transported;

(d) Productivity benefit you derive from the employee’s accelerated arrival at the new official station.