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ENERGY STAR for State Government

Partnering with ENERGY STAR is a commitment to your taxpayers as well as the environment.

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Government agencies spend more than $10 billion a year on energy to provide public services and meet constituent needs — while grappling with tightening budgets. Energy use in commercial buildings and industrial facilities is responsible for more than 50 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, it is imperative that any state government looking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions pay special attention to its own buildings and the buildings across the state.

The good news is that the opportunity to reduce these emissions is significant because as much as 30 percent of the energy consumed in commercial buildings is often used unnecessarily or inefficiently. Through ENERGY STAR, EPA provides your state a proven energy management strategy and no-cost tools to save energy and money, as well as demonstrate your environmental leadership.

State governments play a vital dual role in helping meet the goals of the ENERGY STAR Challenge to improve the energy efficiency of America's buildings by 10 percent or more — they lead by example by improving their own buildings, and they leverage relationships with building owners in the state to motivate them to do the same.

What State Governments Can Do

What Other State Governments Are Doing

ENERGY STAR Success Stories

The Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has adopted EPA's Portfolio Manager to measure and track the energy use and performance improvements of all its state-funded buildings. An executive order issued by Ohio Governor Ted Strickland calls for a 15 percent energy reduction goal by 2011. The executive order directs the DAS to track energy consumption in state buildings and calculate each organization's carbon footprint.

"We chose Portfolio Manager because of its simplicity, flexibility and support," said Jeff Westhoven, deputy director of the DAS. "The State of Ohio has many different agencies and building types, and this software accommodates our diversity and complexity." More than 30 state agencies have uploaded information for more than 5,000 facilities into the tool. By benchmarking its entire portfolio of buildings, Ohio improves its approach to controlling energy costs and identifying top-performing buildings that exemplify best practices.

Read the EPA Press Release regarding this announcement.

Earn Recognition for Your Achievements

ENERGY STAR Qualified Products

The ENERGY STAR label appears on over 50 different product categories. Use these products in your facilities to lower energy use, save money, and help protect the environment.


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