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   Global Resource Information Database - Sioux Falls



UNEP, 2003. Selected Satellite Images of Our Changing Environment. UMEP/DEWA/RS.03-1
pdf document



UNEP, 2002. Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements. UNEP/GRID Sioux Falls in cooperation with Oregon State University.
pdf document

International Council for Science. 2002. ICSU Seres on Science for Sustaiable Development No. 8 Making Science for Sustainable Development More Policy Relevant: New Tools for Analysis.
pdf document

UNEP, 2002. North America's Environment — A Thirty–Year State of the Environment and Policy Retrospective. UNEP/GRID Sioux Falls.
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UNEP, 2002. Satellite Images for Land Cover Monitoring — Navigating Through the Maze. UNEP/GRID Sioux Falls.
pdf document



UNEP, 2001. Transboundary Movement of Airborne Pollutants: A Methodology for Integrating Spaceborne Images and Ground Based Data. UNEP/DEWA/RS 01-4.
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Pacific Institute, 2001. Threats To The World's Freshwater Resources. Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security. In cooperation with UNEP.
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UNEP, 2001. An Assessment of the Status of the World's Remaining Closed Forests.
pdf document

UNEP, 2001. The World's Forests Poster.
html document

UNEP, 2001. The Mesopotamian Wetlands: Demise of an Ecosystem. UNEP/DEWA/TR 01-3.
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UNEP, 2001. GRID-Sioux Falls Division of Early Warning and Assessment 2001 Annual Report.
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UNEP, 2000. Global Environmental Outlook 2000. United Nations Environment Programme Global State of the Environment Report, 2000.
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UNEP, 2000. Kochtcheeva, Lada and Singh, Ashbindu. An Assessment of Risks and Threats to Human Health Associated with the Degradation of Ecosystems. UNEP/DEIA&EW/TR 00-5
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UNEP,1999. Schwartz, Daniel and Singh, Ashbindu. Environmental Conditions, Resources, and Conflicts: An Introductory Overview and Data Collection.
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UNEP,1999, Levine, J., Bobbe, T., Ray, N., Witt, R., Singh, A., Wildland Fires and the Environment: a Global Synthesis. UNEP/DEIAEW/TR.99-1.
pdf document

UNEP,1999, Singh, A., Dieye, A., Finco, M., Chenoweith, M.S., Fosnight, E.A., and Allotey, A., Early Warning of Selected Emerging Environmental Issues in Africa: Change and Correlation from a Geographic Perspective. UNEP/DEIAEW/TR.99-2.
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UNEP,1999, Report of the UNEP Meeting on Early Warning of Emerging Environmental Threats. UNEP Publication.
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UNEP,1999, UNEP/GRID - Sioux Falls 1998 Annual Report. UNEP/GRID-Sioux Falls Publication.
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UNEP,1997. Global Environmental Outlook - 1. United Nations Environment Programme Global State of the Environment Report, 1997.
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UNEP,1997. Risk Assessment. Clark Labs for Cartographic Tecnology and Geographic Analysis.
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Singh, A., Ramachandran, B., Fosnight, G., Chenoweth, S., Crawford, T., 1997,Biodiversity-Rich Ecoregions in Africa Need Protection, National Center for EROS.
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Buehner, B., Chenoweth, S., 1997, Status and Trends in Spatial Data Handling Software: Results of 1991-97 Surveys, National Center for EROS.
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Klaver, R., Fosnight, G., Singh, A., 1997, Global Forest Fire Watch: Wildfire Potential, Detection, Monitoring, and Assessment, National Center for EROS.
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Robson,I., and Singh, A., 1996, Access to Environmental Data and Information using the Internet Tools:UNEP Publication.

UNEP,1996, A Survey of Geographic Information Systems & Image Processing Software 1995: UNEP Publication.



UNEP, 1995, Report of the Expert Consultation of Spatial Hydrologic Database: UNEP Publication.



UNEP, 1994,Report of the North American UNEP/GRID Users' Meeting, May 12-13, 1994, Sioux Falls, U.S.A.: UNEP/EAP Publication, Nairobi, Kenya.
html document

VanderZee, D., 1994, A Survey of Geographic Information Systems & Image Processing Software 1993: UNEP Publication, Nairobi, Kenya.



UNEP, 1993, Developing Large Environmental Databases for Sustainable Development: UNEP/IUFRO International Workshop,July 14-16, 1993, Nairobi, Kenya, Proceedings.




Fosnight, E. A., and Fowler, G. W., 1996, Measures of Assocation and Agreement for Describing Land Cover Characterization Classes: Second International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Fort Collins, CO USA, May 21-23, 1996, Proceedings.

Singh, A., 1996, Monitoring of the Forests via Satellite: 1996 McGraw Yearbook of Science and Technology.

VanderZee, D., Fenno, C., and Singh. A., 1996, Data and Services of the Global Information Database: GIS World Sourcebook 1996, GIS World, Inc., Fort Collins, CO USA, p.577-580.



Biggs, B., Singh, A., and VanderZee, D., 1995, Electronic encyclopedia of GAP analysis in biodiversity (abs.) in National GAP Principal Investigator's Meeting, Silverdale, Washington, July 1994, Proceedings.

Mooneyhan, D.W., and Lauer, D. T., 1995, The role of UNEP/GRID(abs.): International Geographical Congress, 27th, Washington, D.C., August 1992, Proceedings.

VanderZee, D., 1995, Estimators of positional accuracy of geo-corrected satellite images-alternative to RMSE: International Journal of Remote Sensing.

VanderZee, D., and Ehrlich, D., 1995,Sensitivity of ISODATA to changes in sampling procedures and processing parameters when applied to AVHRR time-series NDVI data: International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis, Ltd.,v.16, no.4, p.673-686.

VanderZee,D., and Singh, A., 1995, Survey of geographic information system and image processing software: International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis, Ltd., v.16, no.2, p.383-389.

VanderZee, D., Singh, A., and Meszaroz, L., 1995, Data and services of the global information database: International GIS Sourcebook 1995, GIS World, Inc., Fort Collins, CO USA.



Ehrlich, D., Estes, J. E., and Singh, A., 1994, Applications of NOAA-AVHRR 1 km data for environment monitoring: International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, No.1, p.145-161.

Reed, B.C., Brown, J.F., Vanderzee, D., Loveland, T.R., Merchant, J.W. & Ohlen, D.O., 1994, Measuring phenological variability from satellite imagery: Journal of Vegetation Science, Opulus Press Uppsala, v.5, p. 703-714.

Singh, A., 1994, Applications of NOAA-AVHRR 1-km data for Environmental Monitoring: International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 15.

Singh, A., 1994, Further Possibilities through UNEP for promoting the role of developing countries in conduct of ground-based experiments in support of utilization of global satellite data: 30th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Hamburg, Germany.

Thormodsgard, J. M., 1994, Global data set development at the EROS Data Center, in United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO) International Workshop on Developing Large Environmental Databasess for Sustainable Development, Nairobi, Kenya, July 1993, Proceedings: GRID Information Series 22, Sioux Falls, SD, January 1994, p. 302-305.

UNEP, 1994, Feature article on GRID-Sioux Falls: Our Planet: UNEP Publication.

VanderZee, D., 1994, Global resource information database: International GIS Sourcebook1994, GIS World, Inc., Fort Collins, CO USA, p.571-575.



UNEP, 1993, Case Study of Decision Support: Evaluating Agricultural Potential in Senegal: Bridging the Gap: UNEP Publication.

VanderZee, D., 1993, Global resource information database: Environmental links through Geographic Information Systems and data in National Center for Geographic Information Analysis International Conference on Integrating Geographic Systems and Environmental Modeling, Second, September 1993, Proceedings.

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