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Recent development in information and communication technology provides an opportunity for public access to environmental information in a cost-effective manner. In this video, UNEP logos depict 120 environmental hotspots around the world—as part of UNEP's mandate to keep the state of the environmental situation under review.

Following are four examples:

Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania—Melting Glacier:

  1. • Mt. Kilimanjaro's fabled snows have been disappearing since at least the early 20th century

  2. • These images from 1976 and 2000 shows how rapidly things can change

  3. • Projections indicate that if this recession continues at the present rate, the remaining snow and ice will completely vanish in the next 15 years

  4. • Little remains of the snow and ice that Hemmingway described as "wide as all the world, great, high, and unbelievably white in the sun"

Extensive Deforestation in Paraguay—Iguazú:

  1. • Between1973 and 2003, dramatic changes of forest to agriculture was observed in Paraguay

  2. • Iguazú National Park—a World Heritage Site - contains remnants of the highly endangered Paranaense Rain Forest bordering Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina

Almeria, Spain—From Rural to Greenhouse-based Agriculture:

  1. • This is a dramatic visualization of rural agriculture being converted to intensive greenhouse-based agriculture between 1987 and 2004 in Almeria, Spain

Restoration of the Mesopotamia Marshlands in Iraq:

  1. • On a more positive note, here is one of the world's great wetlands that had experienced significant reduction of water between 1973 to 2000, that led to the collapse of the ecosystem, has shown signs of revival between 2000 and 2004

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