United Nations Environment Programme 

 GEAS : Global Environmental Alert Service

UNEP Global Environmental Alert Service (GEAS)

GEAS is an email and web based service proving compelling and dynamic scientific information about environmental changes. GEAS collects and integrates data and information from various scientifically credible sources using standard format. The goal is to empower people with engaging environmental information.

GEAS is mechanism for identification and communication of early warning information related to UNEP's following six thematic priority areas on a regular basis to the international community:

  • Climate change
  • Disasters and conflicts
  • Ecosystem management
  • Environmental governance
  • Hazardous substances
  • Resource efficiency - sustainable consumption and production

Although much information and many data sets are currently available in the public domain, there is a need for a credible information broker that searches and packages the policy-relevant materials from multiple sources and delivers that information in an easily understood format to the public and decision makers on a regular basis. Right information to Right people in a Right format. GEAS aims at serving a broad range of users including Environment Ministries, general public, decision makers, scientists, media, focussing on audiences from developing countries with limited Internet connectivity.

GEAS provides local level information to global audiences: i.e., "globalization of local information"; and facilitate the flow of information from global sources to regional, national and local ones: i.e., "localization of global information". Consequently assist in the development of national research, monitoring and assessment capacity, including training in assessment and early warning, data and scientific resources access, networking among universities with programmes of excellence in the field of the environment.

GEAS has following three main components:

1: Near-real-time Environmental Alerts: a notification service that uses appropriate formats (email, web service with real-time maps) to alert people about environmental events in a timely fashion.
(under development)

2: Environmental Hotspots Alerts: Through change studies of photographs, satellite images, maps and narratives, GEAS documents visual evidence of site specific environmental changes resulting from natural processes, human activities and the interaction between them.

Environmental Hotspots:

3: Environmental Science Alerts: GEAS provide decision makers and interested users with the latest policy-relevant scientific findings about the environment condensed into short reports and briefing notes.
(under development)

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About GEAS

UNEP's Global Environmental Alert Service (GEAS) provides environmental decision makers and public with online access to compelling and dynamic information about environmental changes as they occur. Harnessing the power of the Internet, GEAS collects data and information from various sources that support standard format. This information is screened, integrated, packaged and then disseminated to users using standard message format, through E-mail, Web-service, Briefing reports.

Through GEAS, for example, it will be possible for users to track trans-boundary movement of pollutants, detect wild fires, monitor deforestation and real-time changes in lake's water levels and be informed of natural disasters as they occur.

GEAS provides evidence of environmental changes through:

Component 1:Near Real-time Environmental Hazards Alerts
GEAS is a notification service that uses appropriate formats (email, web service with real-time maps) to alert people on what is happening to their environments so that timely decisions can be made. An email notification service will be soon available.

Component 2:Environmental Hotspots Alerts
Through change studies of photographs, satellite images, maps and narratives, GEAS provides visual evidence of global environmental change resulting from natural processes, human activities and the interaction between them. Environmental Hotspots Alerts component is being implemented through UNEP Atlas "One Planet Many People".

Component 3:Environmental Science Alerts (Under development)
As a support for environmental decision making, GEAS will provide decision makers and all interested users with policy-relevant scientific findings condensed into short reports and briefing notes.

GEAS documentation (link to doc file)

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You can reach us with the following Postal address:

Global Environmental Alert Service(GEAS)
UNEP/GRID - Sioux Falls (DEWA)
USGS National Center of EROS
47914 252nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57198-0001

Phone: 1-605-594-6117
Fax: 1-605-594-6119

Global Environmental Alert Service | UNEP/GRID - Sioux Falls (DEWA) | USGS National Center of EROS | 47914 252nd Street | Sioux Falls, SD 57198-0001 | USA