Grant Application Technical Assistance Resources
Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Sample Budget Narrative: Year One

[Graphic of Sample Form]


Project Director (1.0 FTE) $50,000

The project director will have oversight of the program and provide supervision, recruitment and training of the program liaisons. At a minimum, this position requires a Masters Degree with an emphasis in social work or other related field.

Program Liaisons (2 @ 1.0 FTE) (2 x $35,000) = $70,000

Two program liaisons will be responsible for day-to-day school/community outreach activities. At a minimum, staff will hold a Bachelors Degree (or equivalent) in the social services field. It is anticipated that each liaison will be responsible for 25 annual events.

Staff Assistant (1.0 FTE) $25,000

The staff assistant will perform all clerical duties for the project staff. This position requires a high school diploma or equivalent.

Total $145,000

Fringe Benefits

Happy Days pays 100% medical, dental, vision, life and disability for full-time employees, and is calculated at .25% of annual salary. The calculations are as follows:

Program Director ($50,000 x .25) $12,500
(2) Program Liaisons ($70,000 x .25) $17,500
Staff Assistant ($25,000 x .25) $6,250
Total $36,250


Funds are requested for travel for 2 staff members to attend 3 local conferences (Happy Days reimburses staff at a rate of 50 cents per mile). Funds are also allocated for one staff member to travel to 2 conferences in Washington DC - including air travel, per diem, and hotel room. Anticipated expenses are:

Mileage reimbursement for travel to local conferences
Estimated 200 miles x .50/mile
(2) Washington, DC meetings $900
Hotel ($75/night x 4 nights) $300
Airfare ($150/ticket x 2) $300
Per Diem ($75 x 4 days) $300
Total $1,000


(4) Apple iMac computers @ $1,250 each $5,000

Each staff member will be assigned a computer for all work-related tasks. Proprietary software for program implementation will be donated by Happy Days School District.

(1) Fax Machine $500
General office supplies $1,500

General office supplies include paper, pens, pencils and other desk supplies.

Total $7,000


External Evaluator $20,000

An external evaluator will oversee all program evaluation activities including developing appropriate instruments, conducting focus groups and interviews with students, staff, and agencies, and preparing the required evaluation reports.

The evaluation team will also work extensively with project staff to develop a relational database to ensure accurate data collection for program monitoring and reporting purposes.

Audit $10,000

An independent auditor will be contracted to conduct a yearly audit of program finances. The auditor will be selected using standard Happy Days fiscal/administrative management procedures.

Total $30,000


Equipment lease $10,000

This item includes charges for leased telephones, photocopier. All leased equipment is for use by program staff at the main office.

Facilities rent, utilities, and maintenance $15,000

Rental costs cover direct service staff at the main office. It is anticipated that the program will require 500 square feet of space at $1.00/square foot. Utilities are estimated to be $400 and the building maintenance fee is $100.

Total $25,000
Total Cost Project Year One $244,250

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Last Modified: 10/31/2007

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