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ArcView GIS Tool Buttons

ArcView Tools Menu

save button  Save - Saves the current project 

add theme button Add a theme - Adds a theme to the current view 

theme properties button Theme properties - Opens theme properties editor

legend editor button Legend editor - Allows user to alter the appearance of the legend

open theme table button Open theme table - Opens the attribute table associated with the active theme

find features button Find features - Uses a term to search the table

locate web address button Locate address - Locates and opens the web page associated with the theme

query builder button Query Builder - Searches the table associated with the active theme

zoom full extent button - Zoom full extent - Zooms to the full extent of the view

zoom to theme button - Zoom to selected theme - Zooms to the extent of the selected theme

zoom to selected feature button - Zoom to selected feature - Zooms to the extent of the selected features

zoom in button  - Zoom in - Zooms in to the center of the view

zoom out button  - Zoom out - Zooms out to the center of the view

zoom previous button  - Zoom previous - Zooms to the previous view

select by graphic button - Select by graphic - Selects features in the active theme that are under, or within a distance of, a graphic this is drawn on the view

clear selected features button- Clear selected features - Deselects any features that are selected in an active theme

help button- Help - Provides information about a button or feature that it is clicked on

info button- info - Displays the attribute features from an active theme for an area that is clicked on

pointer button - Pointer - Used to select, move and resize features

vertex editing button - Vertex editing - Used to edit the location of vertex in a theme (DISABLED IN DP)

select by feature button - Select by feature - Drag the mouse to create a box in which all features in the active theme are selected

zoom in button  - Zoom in - Zooms in centered on cursor, can also be used to drag a box to zoom in to

zoom out button  - Zoom out - Zooms out centered on cursor, can also be used to drag a box to zoom out to

pan button- Drag and drop view - Grabs the view and shifts it around

scale measure button - Scale measure - Measures the distance between two points, will be in the units specified under View:Properties:Map Units

hot link button- Hot link - Opens a page on the web linked to a feature in the active theme 

area of interest button  - Area of Interest - Selects features in a map library (DISABLED IN DP)

tag button - Tag - Adds a label to a feature that is clicked on 

add text button - Text - Adds text to a view, will add the text to the active theme

draw and edit tools button- Draw and Edit tools - Adds points, lines and polygon features

delete report theme button- Delete Report Theme - Removes a theme from a map report

add report theme button- Add Report Theme - Adds a theme to the map report

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