Successful WPDG Applicants | Region 10 | US EPA

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Successful WPDG Applicants

In 2007 the following have received Wetland Program Development Grants:

Proposal Title: Headwater Stream Wetland Settings and Shallow Ground Water Influence: Relationships to Juvenile Salmon Habitat on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

Project Description:

This project will collect information on the hydrologic, nutrient cycling and habitat support functions of classes of wetland associated with headwater streams. It will populate a previously created wetland GIS on the Kenai Peninsula Borough computer system with functional information. The GIS is accessible and widely used by the public through the world wide web.

The project contributes to an existing effort to build a monitoring and assessment program. It creates new information on the functioning of classes of wetlands and links them to important aquatic resources. This information will be made accessible to all interested parties on an established and well used information system. It will contribute to the protection of wetlands by providing important information that supports decision processes of government and the public. The proposal clearly documents how the work will be done, by whom, and what will happen to the information. The proposal also demonstrated leveraging of resources by outside research institutions.

Project Location: Alaska

Grantee: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Grantee Classification: State

Proposal Title: Development of a Landscape-scale Assessment Tool in Two Ecological Sections through Collaboration with the Idaho Wetlands Working Group

Project Description:

This monitoring and assessment project is based on a need identified by the Idaho Wetlands Working Group (IWWG) as a part of the draft state wetland conservation strategy currently under development. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game, in conjunction with the IWWG, will develop a landscape-scale GIS model to predict wetland conditions and general function. This tool will be validated in two ecological sections of Idaho that have high wetland impacts due to land uses and hydrological alterations. The proposed tool will enable broad-scale assessment of wetland condition allowing wetland conservation, restoration, and mitigation activities to be conducted more efficiently and consistently across wide geographic regions.

This project is part of an overall state strategy that is also consistent with EPA’s strategy for wetland monitoring and assessment. The tool could have wide applicability by enabling a broad review of projects as well as the monitoring of long term trends. The tool will provide important information to enhance decision processes for protecting wetlands. This project builds on the efforts of the IWWG and is proposed by an applicant with a proven record for meaningful grant products.

Project Location: Idaho

Grantee: Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Grantee Classification: State

Proposal Title: Functional Assessment of Wetlands on Off-Reservation Tribal Lands

Project Description:

This proposed project will inventory wetlands on tribal fee lands, that are located outside the Reservation boundary, and assess their condition and functions. The assessment will help identify, evaluate, and prioritize wetlands for restoration or mitigation and will aid in identifying wetland areas to be acquired for protection or restoration by the Tribe. The completion of this work will allow the Tribe to finalize a wetlands management plan.

This project uses assessment techniques developed by the Tribe, including cultural values, to develop information on additional areas to include in a final wetlands management plan. The work builds the Tribe’s capacity to report on the quantity and condition of their wetlands and includes a component of protection/restoration of high elevation headwater wetlands, a group of wetland that are especially vulnerable. The information will be available to the Tribe to incorporate into land use management plans. This project builds on the past efforts of the Tribe and is proposed by an applicant with a proven record for meaningful grant products.

Project Location: Idaho

Grantee: Nez Perce Tribe

Grantee Classification: Tribe

Proposal Title: Oregon Explorer Wetlands Conservation Tools

Project Description:

This outreach and information sharing project proposes to create a web based portal framework to integrate state, federal and non-profit efforts aimed at improving conservation of wetlands at the state level while simplifying wetland related permitting. The portal framework will: 1) assemble all existing information on the geography, ecology, and location of Oregon’s wetlands, 2) identify opportunities for wetland restoration, enhancement and conservation, and 3) streamline the state and federal permitting process, while resulting in more successful mitigation and restoration projects. This project provides a much needed tool for the state of Oregon to develop a centralized location for the dissemination of wetland data including maps, inventories, assessments and delineations. The development of a wetlands portal is consistent with an overall state effort to develop portals for other resources such as wildlife, water resources, and other important habitats within the states. This is a timely project by an applicant with a proven track record for meaningful and well administered grants.

Project Location: Oregon

Grantee: Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center, Oregon State University

Grantee Classification: State

Proposal Title: Building a Comprehensive Wetland Program for the Colville Reservation

Project Description:

This project will revise the Tribal legal code for protecting wetlands, create a wetland monitoring system, establish a tribal wetlands working group to coordinate wetland monitoring, develop monitoring procedures and create a central wetland database for tracking wetlands.

This project proposes the most complete wetland program develop package of those proposed this year. It includes all elements of a tribal wetland management plan from documenting the current status of wetlands, through creating a tribal infrastructure for monitoring wetlands, to creating a legal framework for wetlands protection. The project leverages tribal resources and other funds by the BIA and BPA. It clearly shows how the work will be completed and by whom.

Project Location: Washington

Grantee: The Confederated Tribes of the Colville

Grantee Classification: Tribe

Proposal Title: Restoring our Future: Using Jimmycomelately Creek as a Model for Restoring Puget Sound Watersheds

Project Description:

This project is a final step in the completion a monitoring, assessment and wetland protection program for the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe at Jimmycomelately Creek/South Sequim Bay Estuary. The project will complete as-built drawing of the site so that project limits can be clearly identified and maintained and so that changes over time, due to natural process, can be monitored against the current baseline. The project includes outreach to all parties in the Puget Sound area with a publication describing the successes and failures of the project. This information is invaluable. It allows others, including decision makers struggling with similar issues, to learn from the Jimmycomelately experience of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe. The project also includes interpretive information so the public can understand the history of the site and understand how the restoration took place.

This project completes a model wetland restoration, monitoring and protection effort. It documents and transfers lessons learned so that other projects around Puget Sound can proceed more efficiently than would otherwise be possible. It permanently protects wetlands associated with Jimmycomelately Creek and its estuary and it provides information for the public on the importance of restoring these types of systems.

Project Location: Washington

Grantee: Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe

Grantee Classification: Tribe

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