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Title:  Stopouts or Stayouts? Undergraduates Who Leave College in Their First Year
Description: This report examines the educational experiences of students who leave college in their first year. It tracks the path of those who return (stopouts) to determine where and when they enrolled. The report also compares the background and school experience of stopouts with those who did not return (stayouts) to college. The analysis reveals that nearly 30 percent of 1989-90 beginning students left postsecondary education in their first year. Among stopouts in the 4- year sector, 42 percent returned to the same institution, and 58 percent transferred elsewhere. In the public 2- year sector, the opposite pattern occured: 57 percent returned to the same institution, and 43 percent transferred. A majority of stopouts transferred to the 2- year sector.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: November 1998
Web Release: December 3, 1998
Print Release: December 3, 1998
Publication #: NCES 1999087
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Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Laura J. Horn
Type of Product: Statistical Analysis Report
Survey/Program Areas: Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS)
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS)
Postsecondary Education Descriptive Analysis Reports (PEDAR)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Statistical Analysis Report, please contact:
Aurora M. D'Amico.
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006, USA
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