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Plan an ENERGY STAR Challenge in Your Community

There are a variety of ways to promote your involvement in the ENERGY STAR Challenge and involve others in your efforts. Promotional activities are an important way to educate the community about energy efficiency and to reward outstanding efforts to save energy, money, and help prevent climate change.

A great way to get started is to plan ENERGY STAR kick-off meetings in your community to announce your participation, and motivate other area leaders to join in improving energy efficiency and fighting global warming.

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Follow Along With Louisville

Plan an ENERGY STAR Challenge in Your Community

Mayor Jerry E. Abramson meets with city business leaders to bring the ENERGY STAR Challenge to Louisville.
Mayor Jerry E. Abramson meets
with city business leaders to bring
the ENERGY STAR Challenge
to Louisville.

Louisville Mayor Jerry E. Abramson and the city's staff launched their effort in December 2007. During two days of kick-off meetings, they announced the city's partnership with ENERGY STAR and motivated area business leaders to join the Challenge.

The first meeting was held with city leaders and managers of city-operated facilities to explore how to use ENERGY STAR tools and resources to reduce energy waste in city buildings and publicize successes along the way.

At the second meeting, Mayor Abramson announced his commitment to launch a community energy efficiency campaign to more than 50 of the city's business leaders. At the meeting, attendees were provided with background information on the ENERGY STAR program for buildings, and best practices for achieving energy efficiency improvements with ENERGY STAR were shared. Representatives from the city's key industries attended the meeting to gain an understanding of their roles in helping the city meet its energy efficiency and climate protection goals. Attendees also had the opportunity to provide Mayor Abramson and city staff direct input on the necessary elements for a successful energy efficiency campaign in Louisville.

The city then reached out to private sector building owners and operators, and important local businesses such as Louisville Gas and Electric (an E.ON Company), Papa John's Pizza, and RML Property Management have joined ENERGY STAR as a result.