Bull Trout Peer Review Documents | Region 10 | US EPA

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Bull Trout Peer Review Documents

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Bull Trout Temperature Criteria Peer Review Panel Report (September 19, 2002) (pdf file, 55 Kb, 14 pages)
Bull Trout Peer Review Questions (pdf file, 63 Kb, 4 pages)

EPA's "Straw" Recommendations (pdf file, 66 Kb, 4 pages)

Idaho Dissenting Opinion on Biological Threshold Number for Bull Trout (pdf file, 404 Kb, 24 pages)

Multiple Lines of Evidence for Determining Upper Optimal Temperature Thresholds for Bull Trout (pdf file, 375 Kb, 25 pages)

Washington Dept of Ecology's Bull Trout Recommendations (pdf file, 351 Kb, 64 pages)

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