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Lesson 2 Components
I. Presentation 2: Food Webs View description Download files
II. Activity 2: Food Webs View description Download files
III. Homework 2: Bald Eagle Reading View description Download files
Download introduction, outline, glossary, and bibliography for entire unit (all 5 lessons)
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I. Presentation 2: Food Webs
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Describes food webs with a focus on osprey and bald eagles.
Introduces the terms bioaccumulation and biomagnification.
Prepares students to graph the osprey and bald eagle data.
Students understand the connection between food webs and biomagnification of toxic chemicals.
Students learn how DDT is harmful to birds and other wildlife.
Students learn about graphing different relationships in data.
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TeacherManual2” ( if not downloaded previously)  
II. Activity 2: Food Webs
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Students consider how DDT biomagnifies in top predators of food webs.  
Students discover that even through birds of prey are at the top of their respective food chains, some food chains are shorter than others resulting in different levels of DDT accumulation in different species.  
Students gain an understanding of DDT's complex movement through food webs  
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TeacherManual2” (if not downloaded previously)
III. Homework 2: The Range, Habitat, and Niche of the Bald Eagle
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Students will read the Patuxent Research Note, The Range, Habitat, and Niche of the Bald Eagle and answer questions about the content  
Students will be introduced to some aspects of the bald eagles' natural history  
Download Files for Homework 2  
TeacherManual2” (if not downloaded previously)
The Range, Habitat, and Niche of the Bald Eagle  
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