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Speeches and Official Statements



9/18/2008 What a September!
  I admit it – I’m overwhelmed. The power of the last 10 days has demonstrated that the momentum we’ve felt for months around service and volunteering has only intensified and is getting stronger. Think about just a few highlights from the last two weeks: the President addresses thousands of volunteer leaders on the White House South Lawn and renews his Call to Service; both Presidential nominees pledge support for national service and volunteering in a televised candidates forum; our pro-bono initiative, A Billion + Change, exceeds $400 million in corporate pledges; Senators Kennedy and Hatch introduce the ambitious Serve America legislation with bi-partisan co-sponsorship; the ServiceNation Summit in New York brings unprecedented numbers of national leaders and celebrities together in support of service; the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation exceeds one million recipients of the President’s Volunteer Service Awards; the State of New York follows California in elevating its State Service Commission to Cabinet-level status – and at the same time AmeriCorps members and other national service programs and participants respond heroically to Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.

9/11/2008 9/11 Anniversary
  Today, seven years since the September 11 attacks, Americans will remember the day with solemn memorials, prayers, and moments of silence.

9/5/2008 What Are You Doing for the Learn & Serve Challenge?
  What an exciting month for national service! The President will deliver a major speech on service next Monday, September 8th from the south lawn of the White House. Then from September 11-12, many of us will take part in Service Nation in New York to promote a new era of citizen service in America. On September 16th, the Corporation will hold its last board meeting of the Administration. And the following week, I’ll be one of many who will get to meet lots of our national service practitioners, leaders, and colleagues when they descend on Washington. These events will shine a national spotlight on service and help all Americans see that service is the solution to tackling the tough problems our country faces.

9/4/2008 Reminder -- Scheduled System Outage -- Friday, September 5, 8:00 PM EDT
  Reminder, due to a planned database upgrade, the Corporation’s systems – including the My AmeriCorps Portal, Recruitment System, eGrants and eSPAN – will be unavailable Friday, September 5, 8:00 PM EDT through Monday, September 8, 8:00 AM EDT. This outage will not impact the Corporation’s email or phone systems.

8/29/2008 Preparing for Hurricane Gustav
  On the day marking the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the Gulf Coast is bracing for what could be another large scale hurricane.

8/28/2008 Scheduled System Outage -- Friday, September 5, 8:00 PM EDT
  The Corporation’s systems – including the My AmeriCorps Portal, Recruitment System, eGrants and eSPAN – will be unavailable Friday, September 5, 8:00 PM EDT through Monday, September 8, 8:00 AM EDT to accommodate an important database upgrade. This upgrade will allow for increased stability and capacity and better integration of the Corporation’s systems.

7/16/2008 Planned System Outage, July 16, 8:00 - 8:30 PM EST
  Earlier today the My AmeriCorps Recruitment system began to experience periodic problems. In order to alleviate this problem we need to reboot the Corporation’s servers causing our systems – including the My AmeriCorps Portal, Recruitment System, and eGrants – to be unavailable for approximately 30 minutes. The reboot is scheduled to begin at 8:00 PM EST and will terminate all actions within these systems. We anticipate having the systems back up by 8:30 PM EST.

6/27/2008 CEO Statement on Senate FY09 Appropriations
  As promised, here are the numbers reported out by the Senate Appropriations Committee in the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2009. The bill provides $888,462,000 for the Corporation and its programs.

6/26/2008 CEO Update on Fiscal 2009 National Service Budget
  Update on Fiscal 2009 National Service Budget from David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service.

6/18/2008 New Law Makes AmeriCorps More Accessible to SSI Recipients
  On June 17, 2008, President Bush signed into law H.R. 6081, the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008 (“the HEART Act”), making AmeriCorps more accessible to people with disabilities.

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