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Answering Machines & Cordless Phones Key Product Criteria

Product Category* Standby Mode
Power Consumption
  • Additional Handset
<= 1 watt
  • Answering Machine
  • Cordless Telephone
  • Multi-Handset Cordless Telephone
<= 2 watt
  • Answering Machine with SST
  • Cordless Telephone with SST
  • Multi-Handset Cordless Telephone with SST
<= 2 watts
  • Combination Cordless Telephone/Answering Machine
  • Multi-Handset Combination Cordless Telephone/Answering Machine
<= 2.5 watts
  • Combination Cordless Telephone/Answering Machine with SST
  • Multi-Handset Combination Cordless Telephone/Answering Machine with SST
<= 2.5 watts

*Note: Any power consumed by the external power supply (EPS) must be included when metering the unit for ENERGY STAR qualification. All telephony products designed for use with external power supplies must use external power supplies that meet or exceed the Active efficiency and power factor requirements (where applicable) of the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR requirements for single voltage external ac-dc and ac-ac power supplies. External power supplies used in conjunction with telephony products do not need to meet the No-load requirement of 0.3 or 0.5 watts, depending on type of external power supply (ac-ac or ac-dc) and nameplate output power (unless otherwise required by federal standard). Please note: EPA is not requesting that telephony manufacturers test and submit data on external power supplies.

A list of ENERGY STAR qualified power supplies is featured on the ENERGY STAR Web site, for your reference. If the external power supply specification is revised over time (e.g., a Version 3.0 specification is developed), then similar modifications will be made to this Version 2.1 telephony specification within a reasonable time period. For more information on the external power supply program, visit External Power Adapters.