
Publications about the NEA

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American Masterpieces. This publication provides information on the American Masterpieces initiative, including a brief overview of the program; a list of all the participating organizations in choral music, dance, literature, musical theater, and visual arts; a listing of all the states and cities served by the initiative (including a map of the cities), and a few examples of successful projects. September 2007. 28 pp.
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The Arts and Civic Engagement: Involved in Arts, Involved in Life. This research paper explores the compelling link between arts participation and broader civic and community involvement, as measured by the NEA's Survey of Public Participation in the Arts. The report also reveals that young adults show declines in participation rates for most arts and civic categories. November 2006. 8 pp.
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NEA Guide
The 2008 Guide provides details on the programs and activities that the NEA supports, as well as funding deadlines for our various grants. Included is information on Grants for Arts Projects, Literature Fellowships, Lifetime Honors, Leadership and National Initiatives, and Partnerships.
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National Medal of Arts
This publication provides information on the National Medal of Arts and how to submit nominations. Included is a list of all award recipients from 1985 to the present. NEA 2006.
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Before and After Disasters: Federal Funding for Cultural Institutions
An updated and expanded version of Resources for Recovery: Post-Disaster Aid for Cultural Institutions. Includes summary descriptions and contact information for 15 federal grant and loan programs and covers sources of federal assistance for preparedness, mitigation, and response, as well as for recovery. Sample projects in disaster planning, training, treatment research, and restoration illustrate the funding guidelines. 2005. 36 pp.
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How the United States Funds the Arts
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse network of public and private funders that directly and indirectly support the arts in the U.S. It explains the role of the National Endowment for the Arts and other public partners at the federal, state, and local levels as well as that of private partners, such as foundations, corporations, and individuals. 29 pp.
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A Legacy of Leadership: Investing in America's Living Cultural Heritage Since 1965
Celebrating the NEA's 35th anniversary, this publication highlights more than 50 important NEA-funded projects that made a lasting difference to communities, individuals, and organizations. NEA 2000. 80pp.
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National Endowment for the Arts, 1965-2000: A Brief Chronology of Federal Support for the Arts
A thumbnail history of the first 35 years of the federal government's support for the arts and the achievements of the NEA since its inception. NEA 2000. 96pp.
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American Canvas: An Arts Legacy for Our Communities
An in-depth analysis and examination of the current state of the nonprofit arts in America. Written by Gary O. Larson. NEA 1997.194pp.
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