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Please note:

To help serve you better, please use this page to send us your comments, questions, suggestions, or other feedback. As a federal information clearinghouse, we can refer you to health information or relevant health organizations. We are not medical specialists and cannot provide medical advice or diagnoses. Please contact your health care provider for specific medical information.

Please supply the following information, then click the "Review and Send Message" button at the bottom. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the address you supply.
  • Please include the page address if your message refers to content or errors on a particular page.
  • Please do not send advertisements.
    We will not reply.

Please copy your validation code into this field:

Your validation code is: 29746
(What's this?)

We routinely experience an overwhelming volume of email - Please allow 1 - 2 weeks for a response. If this is a health question or an emergency, please contact your health care provider immediately.

Keep in mind that the information you send over the Internet may not be secure. Please DO NOT include your Social Security Number, credit card number, or other sensitive information in your submission.


What is my validation code? What is it for?

The validation code is a random 5-digit number that is generated when you open this form. You can copy and paste, or re-type the number in the validation code field. We use this to help reduce "form spamming," where automatic form fillers submit bogus requests by repeatedly submitting web site forms. This helps us process your submission quicker.

Privacy Information

Current as of July 2008