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Search Results: (1-3 of 3 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2005315 Directory of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies, 2002-03
The directory provides a current listing of all reported public elementary and secondary education agencies in the United States as well as other US jurisdictions. Also included is the US Department of Defense Dependents Schools and Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools. The directory provides summary tables showing an overview of elementary and secondary agency patterns in relation to agency location (state), district size, grade span and student population.
NCES 2003351 Directory of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies, 2001-02
The directory provides a current listing of all reported public elementary and secondary education agencies in the United States as well as the outlying areas, DoD Dependents Schools and Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools of the U.S. It includes summary tables showing an overview of elementary and secondary agency patterns in relation to agency location(state), district size, grade span, and student population.
NCES 95321 Directory of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies, 1993-94
Lists names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc., of all public school agencies in the United States. It also contains summary tables on students, grade spans, and distribution (by membership size).
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