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Search Results: (1-6 of 6 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 98269 Coverage Evaluation of the 1994 Federal Libraries and Information Centers Survey
A technical report on the 1994 survey of federal libraries.
NCES 98296 The Status of Federal Libraries and Information Centers in the United States: Results from the 1994 Federal Libraries and Information Centers Survey
This report summarizes the status of federal libraries and information centers in the United States during 1994 and describes trends covering the period from 1992 to 1994 that were reported as part of the 1994 survey. To examine the ways in which organizational attributes may impact library and information center operations, this report classifies federal libraries and information centers in five different ways, according to their (1) organizational structure, (2) nature of parent organization, (3) mission/subject area, (4) public access, and (5) level of automation.
NCES 97507 Directory of Federal Libraries and Information Centers: 1994
This report is based on a survey of 1,234 federal libraries and information centers in the 50 states and the District of Columbia conducted in 1994. This directory is organized by branch of government, by agency in the Legislative and Judicial Branches, and by department in the Executive Branch.
NCES 97407 Library Statistics Cooperative Program
The Library Statisics Cooperative Program collects statistics about all types of libraries. This brochure is designed to answer questions concerning all types of libraries.
NCES 96249 Data File: Federal Library and Information Centers Survey, Fiscal Year 1994
This data file contains information from the Federal Libraries and Information Centers Survey, FY 1994. This survey was conducted by NCES with additional support from the Federal Library and Information Center Committee of the Library of Congress. The data in this file reflect staffing, collections, service per typical week, automation, technology, and preservation for Federal libraries and information centers in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
NCES 96247 E.D. TAB: Federal Libraries and Information Centers in the United States: 1994
This presents data from the Federal Library Survey 1994. It is the first national data on federal libraries since 1978.
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