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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2008088 Eighth Grade: First Findings From the Final Round of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K)
This first look uses data collected from the final round of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) when most of the cohort was in the eighth grade. This report is intended to provide a snapshot of the eighth-grade round of the ECLS-K and make the data available to encourage more in-depth analysis using more sophisticated statistical methods. It looks at multiple aspects of the cohort's middle school year; including overall achievement in reading, mathematics, and science; attainment of specific reading and mathematics proficiencies; participation in various school-sponsored activities; time spent on homework; and educational aspirations. The focus of this report is on the majority of the cohort promoted on schedule and for these children, the estimates are presented by various child and family characteristics.
NCSER 20083011 Changes in the Characteristics, Services, and Performance of Preschoolers with Disabilities from 2003-04 to 2004-05: PEELS Wave 2 Overview Report
The National Center for Special Education Research within the Institute of Education Sciences has released the second major report from the Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study (PEELS) titled "Changes in the Characteristics, Services, and Performance of Preschoolers with Disabilities from 2003-04 to 2004-05: PEELS Wave 2 Overview Report." PEELS involves a nationally representative sample of children, 3 to 5 years of age when they entered the study, with diverse disabilities who are receiving preschool special education services in a variety of settings. Topics covered in the report include declassification ( children leaving special education), reclassification (movement from one primary disability group to another), changes over time in the special education and related services provided to preschoolers with disabilities, and changes in children's performance on a series of direct and indirect assessments in the areas of emerging literacy, early math skills, social behavior, and motor skills from 2003-04 to 2004-05.
NCSER 20083009 Facts From NLTS2: Substance Use Among Young Adults With Disabilities
This report was released by the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) on May 20, 2008. The report uses data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) to answer questions about the use of alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and LSD among young adults with disabilities. The report compares substance use among this population with substance use in the general population, and compares different disability categories and demographic groups in substance use and in the receipt of substance abuse prevention education and services. The NLTS2 is funded by the National Center for Special Education Research at the Institute of Education Sciences, U. S. Department of Education. NLTS2 was initiated in 2001 and has a nationally-representative sample of more than 11,000 students with disabilities.
NCES 2008153 Teacher Career Choices: Timing of Teacher Careers Among 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients
This report uses longitudinal data from the 1992-93 Baccalaureate and Beyond Study (B&B:93/03) to analyze the teaching career choices of 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients. As of 2003, some 87 percent of graduates reported not teaching in 1994, 1997, and 2003 (nonteachers). Of the 13 percent of graduates who were teaching at one or more of the three follow-up interviews, 31 percent taught consistently, 41 percent were late starters, 16 percent were leavers, and 12 percent were other teachers. The report also provides an in-depth look at the teacher career choices of those graduates with various demographic characteristics, academic backgrounds, teaching assignments, and salaries. Among those who taught, graduates with dependents in each year (1993, 1997, and 2003) taught consistently at higher rates than graduates without dependents. Most graduates who taught consistently had majored in education for their bachelor's degree (77 percent). On the other hand, 40 percent of education majors were not teaching at the elementary/secondary level in 1994, 1997, or 2003. Many of the 1992-93 graduates who became teachers had earned a master's degree or higher by 2003 and had done so at higher rates than graduates who did not teach: 39 percent of graduates who taught had attained a master's degree or higher by 2003, compared with about one-quarter of those who did not teach. The results in this report may inform research on teacher supply and demand, teacher attrition, and teacher retention.
NCES 2008322 Education Longitudinal Study of 2002/06 Data Analysis System (DAS)
The ELS:2002/06 Data Analysis System (DAS) contains base year, first follow-up, and second follow-up data on a sample of about 16,000 students who were first surveyed as high school sophomores in the spring of 2004. The first follow-up occurred in the spring 2004, when most of the sample members were high school seniors. The second follow-up occurred in 2006 when most of the sample members who attended college were college sophomores. Both those who attended college and those who didn’t are included in the data. Data in the DAS pertain to the courses taken and achievement of the sample members when they were in high school, their family backgrounds and other experiences in high school. For those who considered going to college, there is data on which colleges they applied to, and the acceptances and aid offers they received from those colleges. Other data include the employment experiences of both those who attended college and those who didn't, the earnings and some aspects of the work situation of those who did not attend college, and, for both those who attended college and didn't, data about other life experiences and outcomes, such as military service, volunteer service, and family formation. A data file manual is available as NCES 2007-347.
NCES 2008319 Mathematics Coursetaking and Achievement at the End of High School: Evidence from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002)
This report documents and examines the relationship between the number and types of math courses taken in the 11th and 12th grade and growth in mathematics proficiency over the same time period. Using data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), the analysis identifies the coursetaking sequences most prevalent among contemporary high school students in their junior and senior years, sociodemographic characteristics of the students who follow these course sequences, and the association between specific courses and course sequences and mathematics gains over the last two years of high school. Because most students (94 percent) entered the second half of high school with a mastery of basic mathematics skills such as simple arithmetic and operations, most learning during this time was in intermediate-level mathematics skills and concepts. For example, the percentage of students with an understanding of simple problem solving skills grew from 53 to 65 percentage points over the two year period. In terms of learning in specific content areas, the largest gains in intermediate skills such as simple operations and problem solving were made by those who followed the geometry–algebra II sequence. The largest gains in advanced skills such as derivations and making inferences from algebraic expressions were made by students who took precalculus paired with another course. The smallest gains were made by students who took one mathematics course or no mathematics courses during their last 2 years.
NCES 2008024 User's Manual for the ECLS-B Longitudinal 9-Month--Preschool Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
The User's Manual describes the design, collection, and data processing of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort of 2001 (ECLS-B), with a special focus on the preschool wave data collection. It contains information to help users access and use the data files and electronic codebook. It also documents the Reading Aloud Profile--Together supplemental data file. This manual is only available on the ECLS-B Longitudinal 9-month--Preschool CD ROM.
NCES 2008034 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) Longitudinal 9-Month-Preschool Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a restricted-use data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the first, second and third waves of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS–B). It also contains the Reading Aloud Profile--Together supplemental data file.
NCES 2008346 Education Longitudinal Study of 2002/06: Restricted Use Second Follow-up Data Files, Data File Documentation, and Electronic Codebook System
This ELS:2002/2004 CD includes the restricted-use base-year, first follow-up, high school transcript, second follow-up data, and the electronic codebook. The data documentation is also included on the CD. The data documentation is public use and can be downloaded directly as NCES 2008-346. This study is designed to monitor a national sample of young people as they progress from tenth grade through high school and on to postsecondary education and/or the world of work.
NCES 2007328 Interpreting 12th-Graders’ NAEP-Scaled Mathematics Performance Using High School Predictors and Postsecondary Outcomes From the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88)
This report utilizes four sources of NELS:88 data: questionnaire responses, tests, high school transcripts, and postsecondary education transcripts. The NELS:88 1992 12th grade mathematics assessment scores were transformed to the NAEP scale. The report relates mathematics results expressed in the NAEP metric (specifically, the NAEP achievement levels) to cross-sectional (12th grade) correlates of math achievement. It also relates 12th grade NAEP-scaled NELS:88 mathematics results (again expressed in terms of the NAEP achievement levels) to postsecondary educational outcomes. The report is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 provides background information and an introduction. Chapter 2 examines the correlates of math achievement— student, family, and high school predictors (e.g., sex, race, socioeconomic status [SES], school sector, highest math course taken, grades, etc.) of 12th graders’ NAEP-Scaled performance. Chapter 3 relates high school seniors’ NAEP-scaled mathematics performance to later outcomes such as entry into postsecondary education, and baccalaureate attainment. These senior-year correlates (chapter 2) and future outcomes (chapter 3) are explored through bivariate tables; senior-year achievement correlates are also examined in a logistic regression. Two appendixes provide technical notes, a glossary of variables used, and tables of standard errors for all estimates contained in the report.
NCSER 20073006 Perceptions and Expectations of Youth With Disabilities. A Special Topic Report of Findings From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2)
Perceptions and Expectations of Youth With Disabilities. A Special Topic Report of Findings From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2): released on September 11, this report from NCSER provides a picture of the self-representations and expectations of youth with disabilities, how they differ across disability categories and demographic groups, and how they compare with youth in the general population. The National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2), funded by IES, was initiated in 2001 and has a nationally representative sample of more than 11,000 students with disabilities. This report presents findings drawn primarily from telephone interviews or self-administered mail surveys collected from youth when they were ages 15 through 19. The report addresses questions such as how youth with disabilities describe their feelings about themselves and their lives, their secondary school experiences, their personal relationships, and their expectations for the future.
NCES 2007312 Advanced Mathematics and Science Coursetaking in the Spring High School Senior Classes of 1982, 1992, and 2004
This report presents new time series data on the coursetaking patterns in mathematics and science for the spring high school graduating classes of 1982, 1992, and 2004. Coursetaking information was derived from high school transcripts collected by NCES in the following three studies: (1) High School and Beyond Longitudinal Study of 1980 Sophomores; (2) the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988; and (3) the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002. The analysis addresses overall trends, as well as trends within various subgroups defined by sex, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), expectations for future educational attainment, and school sector. The report examines trends in academic coursetaking in both mean credits earned in math and science and in the highest course level that high school graduates completed in the two subjects. Some key findings are as follows. First, in mathematics, academic coursework increased from, on average, 2.7 total credits in 1982 to 3.6 total credits in 2004. In addition, graduates shifted from taking lower level mathematics courses to taking more advanced courses. For example, the percentage of graduates who persisted through the mathematics curriculum into the two most advanced levels—precalculus and calculus—tripled between 1982 and 2004. At the subgroup level, while students in each of the four SES quartiles increased their participation in advanced mathematics over time, some disparities increased—for example, the difference between the highest and lowest SES quartiles in precalculus and calculus coursetaking went from 18 percentage points in 1982 to 35 percentage points in 2004. Second, in science, the average number of credits increased from 2.2 total credits in 1982 to 3.3 total credits in 2004. Further, graduates shifted in significant proportions from taking lower level science courses to taking upper level ones. At the subgroup level, despite increased completion of advanced-level science courses by graduates from all school sectors, Catholic and other private school students remained more likely than their public school counterparts to complete advanced-level courses in science.
NCES 2007032 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) 9-Month Twin Triad Restricted-Use Data File
This CD-ROM contains restricted-use base year (9-month data collection) twin triad data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B). The twin triad data file contains data from a subsample of twins videotaped with their mothers during a teaching interaction. Triadic interactions are coded using the Parent Infant Coding Scheme (PICS) coding system. The data file is accompanied by a record layout, SAS, SPSS, and Stata syntax files. The twin triad data file, when merged with the larger ECLS-B dataset, can be used to investigate numerous research topics regarding twinship, child development, and maternal behaviors.
NCES 2007047 Observations of Mother-Twin Interactions at 9 Months: User's Manual for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) 9-month Twin Triad Restricted-Use Data File
This User's Manual for the Twin Triad Data File describes the design, instrumentation, coding methodology, and special issues pertaining to the twin triad data file from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort base year (9-month) data collection. Also included is information to help users access and use the twin triad data file in conjunction with the main ECLS-B restricted-use data files.
NCES 2007065 Findings from the Condition of Education 2007: High School Coursetaking
This report contains a special analysis that is republished from the Condition of Education 2007 in a booklet form. This analysis presents key findings from the high school transcript studies on high school coursetaking.
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