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ASHRAE Summer Conference in Denver to Visit TTF

ASHRAE's 2005 Annual Meeting will be held in Denver this summer. On June 27, participants will tour the NREL HVAC and Solar R&D facilities. Conference attendees will be able to visit the Advanced Thermal Conversion Laboratory and experience the breakthrough energy recycling technologies converging within this facility's cutting-edge experimental capabilities.

Past Events

NREL Researchers Contribute to GlobalCon 2005 Energy Conference, March 2005

Globalcon 2005 is a conference presented by the Association of Energy Engineers that is designed to facilitate transfer of information on the latest developments in the energy field, to explore promising new technologies, to compare energy supply options, and to teach about innovative and cost-conscious project implementation strategies. The multi-track conference covers a variety of topics and allows participants to listen to some of the major players in the energy field.

The Globalcon Expo on March 23- 24 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, emphasized four critical areas of leading-edge technology and related services: HVAC and Building Systems, Lighting Efficiency, Combined Heat & Power / Distributed Generation, Plant and Facilities Management. It was attended by decisionmakers from business, industry, and government who sought integrated energy solutions—solutions that assure a secure and affordable power supply, and effective management of both energy and overall operational costs.

Steve Slayzak from NREL attended the meeting and presented the latest evaporative cooling technologies that can be applied to residential and commercial comfort conditioning, cooling towers and condenser cooling. These ultra-cooler concepts provide supply air temperatures on par with conventional air-conditioning, overcoming a major past limitation of the highly energy efficient and environmentally friendly technology. They can be applied in any climate when used in Cooling, Heating and Power systems or to enhance the performance of cooling towers or vapor compression condensers.

NREL Researcher Attends CleanTech Discovery Showcase, March 2005

Cleantech Venture Network LLC ("Cleantech") hosts venture forums that showcase venture-grade, emerging clean technologies investment opportunities. The forums allow investors to facilitate the growth of young companies and technologies that provide economic, environmental, and social benefits. Cleantech holds three Venture Forums annually—two in North America and one in Europe. Only the highest quality investment candidates are chosen for display. Participants include investors, corporations, public officials, media, and other leaders and decision makers. In sum, these forums provide leading-edge information and research on the investment opportunities from leading thinkers on clean technology innovation and trends.

Steve Slayzak presented at the Cleantech Discovery Showcase in San Francisco on March 22, 2005 and participated as a panelist in its Buildings of the Future segment. NREL's dual-use dehumidification/air-cleaning technology was highlighted. The concept enables continuous, energy efficient enhanced ventilation rates while actively controlling humidity and indoor air contaminants. The regenerative nature of the approach also deactivates chemical and biological particles and vapors to minimize maintenance.

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Content Last Updated: July 25, 2008