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NAEP Processing Assessment Materials

Processing Assessment Materials for NAEP


Printing Student Booklets, Questionnaires, and Tracking Forms

Packaging and Distribution

Processing Student Booklets and Questionnaires

Creating and Delivering Data Files

Quality Control

Storage of Assessment Materials

In each assessment cycle, the NAEP materials-processing staff are responsible for several tasks related to student booklets, questionnaires, and rosters for each subject area and sample in the NAEP assessment:

  • printing of student booklets, questionnaires, and tracking forms;

  • packaging and distribution of assessment materials;

  • processing of student booklets and questionnaires as they are returned from the field;

  • scanning of constructed-response items and student responses into the image-based scoring system;

  • creating and delivering data files to NAEP psychometricians for analysis and reporting;

  • quality control; and

  • storage of assessment materials following the scoring process.

To better plan and document NAEP activities, beginning with the 2001 assessment the materials processing center implemented the Capability Maturity Model (CMM)—a working document that evolves throughout an assessment cycle. The CMM was introduced to complement the existing Phase Review System documentation.

Processing Schedules and Overall Counts for 2000

Processing Schedules and Overall Counts for 2001

Last updated 12 June 2008 (TS)

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