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NREL: U.S. Life-Cycle Inventory Database
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Life-Cycle Inventory Database

The U.S. Life-Cycle Inventory (LCI) database contains data modules that quantify the material and energy flows into and out of the environment for common unit processes. A full product life-cycle assessment (LCA) requires the combination of several unit process LCI data modules. In addition to product LCAs, the LCI data can be used as regional benchmarks to generate or assess company, plant, or new technology data; develop environmentally oriented decision support systems; and develop LCA tools. Public availability of the LCI data will make LCAs easier to perform and more accessible. Having a common set of data that is based on a single protocol will improve the quality and consistency of LCAs.

The data protocol is based on ISO 14048 and is compatible with the EcoSpold format. The data were critically reviewed following the project data review protocol. Information about the protocol and the database is contained in the U.S. LCI Database Project Development Guidelines (MS Word 414 KB) and the User's Guide for Life-Cycle Inventory Database (PDF 688 KB) Download Adobe Reader. Information about additions and modifications to the U.S. LCI Database is contained in the Change Log (PDF 94 KB) Download Adobe Reader. The current revision is Aug 26, 2008 V 1.6.0.

The LCI data are available in several formats: a streamlined spreadsheet, an EcoSpold format spreadsheet, an EcoSpold XML file, and a detailed spreadsheet with all the calculation details. We are working to ensure that the data can also be imported into major LCA tools.