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Violence Against Women

Violence Against Women with Disabilities

Additional information on disabilities is available in two of our other web sections:

Women with Illnesses and Disabilities

Girls with Illnesses and Disabilities

About 10 -13% of women with disabilities report having experienced abuse, a rate similar to that of women without disabilities. Yet, according to the Center for Research on Women with Disabilities at Baylor College of Medicine, women with disabilities report more intense abuse, a larger number of abusers, more incidents of abuse, and longer length of abuse. For all women, the abuser is often a partner or family member, but women with disabilities are more likely to be abused by health care providers or caretakers.

Picture of woman sitting in wheelchairWomen with disabilities face the same types of physical and verbal abuse reported by all women. But they also are subject to unique forms of abuse. Caretakers can withhold medicine and assistive devices, such as wheelchairs or braces. They can also refuse to help with daily needs like bathing, dressing, or eating.

If you're being abused by someone you rely on for help with daily living, you may feel trapped. If you can, reach out to someone close to you, such as a family member, a caretaker, a good friend, or a neighbor and ask for help.

Additional Information on Violence Against Women with Disabilities:

If you're a victim of abuse or violence at the hands of someone you know or love, or you are recovering from an assault by a stranger, you are not alone.

To get immediate help and support
call the National Domestic Violence Hotline
at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

or the National Sexual Assault Hotline
at 1-800-656-4673.
You can also visit the
National Sexual Assault Online Hotline.


  1. Federal resource  Abuse of Women with Disabilities - This is a page of the Illness and Disabilities section that contains information and resources about abuse for women with disabilities.

  2. Federal resource  Abuse Deserves Special Vigilance - This publication gives information on why violence is a serious problem for women with disabilities. It provides four questions that doctors and nurses can ask if they suspect their patient is being abused.

  3. Federal resource  PDF file  Sexual Assault Against People Living with Disabilities - This presentation discusses the main types of disabilities that people generally have that are victims of sexual assault and characteristics of perpetrators of sexual assault against people with disabilities.

  4. Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of Hearing Outreach (Copyrights © NDVH) - This fact sheet is produce by the National Domestic Violence Hotline. It discusses what deaf women can do if they are in an abusive situation.

  5. Victims with Disabilities Face Unique Challenges (Copyright © NCVC) - This article explains the likelihood of stalking and abuse happening to persons with disabilities. It provides information regarding the obstacles of being protected from an abuser, and the manipulation that can occur between a person with a disability and an intimate partner.

  6. Violence Against Women with Disabilities - Prevalence (Copyright © CROWD) - This fact sheet contains statistical information concerning the prevalence of abuse of women with physical disabilities from the National Study of Women with Physical Disabilities.


  1. Federal resource
  2. Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services
  3. Victims of Crime With Disabilities Resource Guide

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Content last updated September 1, 2007.

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in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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