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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2003053 District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs (FRSS 76): Public Use Data Files
This file contains data from a 2001 quick-response survey, “District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs” (FRSS 76). The survey was completed by district-level personnel most knowledgeable about alternative schools and programs. These officials were asked about availability of public alternative schools and programs, enrollment, staffing, and services for students at risk of educational failure. Questions covered location of programs, enrollment, procedures for handling exceeded capacity, exit and entry policies and procedures, staffing, curriculum and services offered, and district background information.
NCES 2002004 Public Alternative Schools and Programs for Students At Risk of Education Failure: 2000-01
In the past two decades, public concern about violence, weapons, and drugs on elementary and secondary school campuses, balanced with concern about sending disruptive and potentially dangerous students “out on the streets,” has spawned an increased interest in alternative schools and programs. Yet, little research has so far been conducted on alternative education on a national basis. The 2001 “District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs,” conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) through its Fast Response Survey System (FRSS), is the first national study of public alternative schools and programs to provide data on topics related to the availability of public alternative schools and programs, enrollment, staffing, and services. The focus of the study is on alternative schools and programs that serve students who are at risk of educational failure, as indicated by poor grades, truancy, disruptive behavior, suspension, pregnancy, or similar factors associated with early withdrawal from school. The study presents a snapshot of alternative schools and programs for at-risk students during the 2000–01 school year.
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