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Boarding School Education Fair in Bangkok on November 11.

Boarding School Education Fair in Bangkok

Boarding School Education Fair in Bangkok on November 9, 2008

Boarding schools from throughout the United States, Canada and abroad will be participating in an education fair on Sunday, November 9 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok. Parents and students are invited to attend the fair where they will be able to meet with campus-based representatives from the schools. The schools’ representatives will be able to talk with families about their educational programs, admission requirements, English as a Second Language classes, dorm life and music, art and sports programs.  

This event is free-of-charge and is open to the public.  

A list of participating schools with links to their websites is available on the TABS website at From this website, families can also contact the schools’ representatives via email to schedule private interviews before or after the fair. Registration on line can be done through this website. 

Why should expatriates and Thai families consider boarding school for their children ages 12-18? According to independent research recently conducted, this is a sampling of what boarding school students and graduates say about their education experiences:

  • 91% report that their schools are academically challenging
  • 90% report having high quality teachers
  • 87% report being very well prepared academically for college/university
  • In addition, boarding school students report being surrounded by motivated peers, enjoying time with their teachers, coaches and other school staff members outside of class time and being in a supportive environment.

According to data collected by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), classes at boarding schools are small:

  • The median class size in boarding school is 12 students
  • The average student-to-full-time-teacher ratio is 12:1

If you are interested in learning more about the advantages of attending a boarding school, plan to attend the education fair on Sunday, November 9, 2008 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok, 155 Rajadamri Road.

If you have queries, please call Nalin Phupoksakul at US Commercial Service, American Embassy, Bangkok at tel: 02-205-5275, e-mail at or Steve Banks at The Association of Boarding Schools e-mail: .