FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid


Parents' Income Estimator

If the student's parents have not yet completed their 2006 taxes, this worksheet will help figure out the student's parents' adjusted gross income for 2006. The calculated total will be entered on the FAFSA for Question 79. All questions refer to income earned in the year 2006.

Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00

This amount will be subtracted to equal the student's parents' estimated income for the year 2006.
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
This is a display field only. It holds a running calculation of the entered values.
$ .00


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Site Last Updated: Sunday, November 2, 2008

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