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Systems Engineering

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Photovoltaic (PV) research program, in cooperation with the U.S. PV industry and university researchers, seeks to advance PV performance and systems engineering, improve systems reliability, and develop technology suitable for integration into residential and commercial building structures.

Central to the systems engineering work performed at NREL is the near-term and long-term performance monitoring, characterization, and modeling of emerging-technology, small (<5 kWp), grid-connected, prototype PV systems installed and operating at the NREL Outdoor Test Facility. Critical to this effort is our world-class and traceable measurements and instrumentation for solar radiometry. The resultant precision and accuracy of the PV system and module performance measurements is determined by the quality, precision, and accuracy of the measurements of the incident on the PV arrays solar irradiance, i.e., "power in".

NREL's systems engineering research and development (R&D) work also includes very important activities aimed at supporting the development of industry consensus, adopted codes, standards, and certification that cover PV systems, components, and installation practices. This research is integral to the DOE Solar Program Multi-year Technical Plan because it provides credible and independent data, analyses, and assessments of the performance and reliability metrics that are required in benchmarking the candidate technologies and supporting the Solar America Initiative.

Our Technical Approach

NREL's technical approach for systems engineering includes three primary research areas:

  1. PV System Performance and Standards

    In collaboration with Sandia, NREL provides PV emerging-technology, small grid-connected system performance and reliability data, analyses, and characterizations to the DOE Solar Program and to the participating industry partners. We produce small PV system performance reports that address electric power produced versus time on a quarterly basis. These data are delivered to industry partners and internal project managers, providing annual system outputs and degradation rates for each of the technologies and systems.

  2. Solar Radiometry and Metrology

    NREL performs world-class and traceable solar radiometric measurements, instrumentation, and metrology required by the DOE PV Subprogram projects.

  3. Codes, Standards, and Certification

    In collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories PV Program we provide leadership and support in creating and implementing domestic and international certification, codes, and standards for high-quality, safe, cost-effective PV systems applications.