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Provide Automated Benchmarking Services

Through ENERGY STAR, energy service companies can provide their customers with EPA’s energy performance rating system so customers can receive building energy ratings automatically within commercial energy information products. EPA’s rating system gives organizations an easy and standardized way to understand and compare their building energy use. The rating system has been used to evaluate tens of thousands of buildings. Today, thousands of buildings have earned the ENERGY STAR.

Initially, this activity was only accomplished using EPA’s online web tracking tool, Portfolio Manager. With the addition of automated benchmarking, energy service companies can automatically load and update their customers' energy data, and provide their customers with a standardized building energy performance rating of 1–100. This saves their customers the time spent manually inputting energy and building data into Portfolio Manager.

By incorporating the EPA’s energy performance ratings into your energy services you can:

  • Provide customers with objective, standardized assessments of their building energy performance.
  • Tap into the ENERGY STAR program to motivate customers to adopt continuous energy management programs, reduce their carbon footprint, save energy and validate savings.
  • Help thousands of ENERGY STAR partners achieve their energy reduction goals in individual buildings or across their portfolio of buildings, and help them earn ENERGY STAR recognition for their accomplishments.
  • Reduce the burden of ENERGY STAR partners interested in continuous energy management, but unable to manually input monthly energy data into Portfolio Manager.

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