FY 2004 Zambia Partners

The lists below include partners obligated3 Emergency Plan money as either a prime1 partner (bulleted items) or as a sub-partner2 (indented underneath the prime partners).

    The 2004 prime and sub-partner list reflects organizations that were obligated Emergency Plan money during fiscal year 2004, that is from October 1, 2003, through September 30, 2004.

    The list is based on data provided by U.S. Government agency field offices during the Annual Program Results updates submitted to the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. This information will be updated as new data becomes available.

    • AIDS Relief Services (ARS)
    • EGPAF
    • MoH or National Blood Transfusion Services
    • Sanquin Blood Consulting
    • Opportunity International
    • World Concern
    • Plan USA
    • Project Concern International
    • Christian Aid
    • Hope Worldwide
    • Chemonics
    • ABT Associates
        Social Sector Development Strategies
    • Academy for Educational Development
    • Catholic Relief Services
        Chipata Diocese
        Cicetekelo Hospice
        Diocese of Mansa
        Diocese of Mongu
        Diocese of Mpika
        Diocese of Solwezi
        Jon Hospice
        Martin Hospice
        Missionaries of Charity
        Mother Marie Therese Linssen Hospice
        Mother of Mercy Hospice
        Our Lady's Hospice
        Ranchod Hospice
        St. Francis Community
    • Central Board of Health
    • Chest Diseases Laboratory
    • Cooperative League of the USA
    • Development Alternatives, Inc
    • Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
    • Family Health International
        Arthur Davidson Hospital
        Boys' Brigade
        CARE International
        Chaaba Community School
        Changona Community School
        Charity Community School
        Chibolya Community School
        Children Desk
        Chinkhamu Community School
        Chintelelwe Community School
        Chipata Widow's Multipurpose Society
        Chipermbe Community School
        Chmpeta Community School
        Chunga Community School
        Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ)
        Ebinezer Trust
        Fight Poverty Relief Services Community School
        Garden Open Community School
        Girls' Brigade
        Hufa Malend Community School
        Institute for Economics & Social Research
        Ipusukilo Community School
        Itimpi Community School
        Jesus Cares Ministries
        Kadamsana Community School
        Kaikumbe Community School
        Kakama Community School
        Kalekeleke Community School
        Kaloka Katanche Community School
        Kaloma Community School
        Kangombe Community School
        Kasuku Community School
        Katope Community School
        Kauwo Community School
        Kavu Kwashamukenu
        Livingstone District Hospital
        Livingstone YCTC
        Lufutuko Community School
        Lusukuzi Community School
        Makangila Community School
        Malenbeka Community Orphans and Vulnerable Children's Committee
        Mapezi Community School
        Mary Aikenhead Open Community School
        Masaiti Advocates
        Mbulanda Community School
        Michinka Community School
        Micro-Bankers Trust
        Mozya Community Orphans and Vulnerable Children's Home
        Musamarya Community School
        Musonda Community School
        Nthakalavu Community School
        Pandula Development Association
        Reformed Open Community Schools (ROCS)
        Sacred Heart
        Salamano Action
        Samavangse Community School
        Scripture Union
        Sibwoli Community School
        Sisters of St. Francis
        Sports in Action
        St. Anthony Bwafano
        St. Vincent Community School
        Tempe HOB- Camilia Community School
        Tropical Diseases Research Centre
        Tumelo Community School
        University Teaching Hospital FSU
        Upeme Community School
        Way of Life Community School
        World Vision
        Zambia AIDS Law Research and Advocacy Network (ZARAN)
        Zambia Health Education Communications Trust
    • International Development Enterprises
    • International HIV/AIDS Alliance
        Salvation Army Chikankata Health Services
    • John Snow Research and Training Institute
    • John Snow, Inc.
    • Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs
        International HIV/AIDS Alliance
        Save the Children U.S.
    • Macro International
    • Management Sciences for Health
    • National AIDS Council, Zambia
    • Pact, Inc.
    • Population Services International
    • Project Concern International
    • Social and Scientific Systems
    • The Futures Group International
        Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program
        Zambia Interfaith-based Network Group on HIV/AIDS
    • Tropical Diseases Research Centre
    • Tulane University
        Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia (CIDRZ)
    • University of North Carolina Carolina Population Center
    • University Teaching Hospital
    • World Health Organization
    • World Vision International


    1. Prime partner: The entity which received funding directly from, and has a direct contractual relationship (contract, cooperative agreement, grant, etc.) with, the USG Agency. (Source: FY2006 COP Guidance, p.39)

    2. Sub-partner: The entity to which a prime partner allocates funding. (Source: FY2006 COP Guidance, p. 43)

    3. Obligation: An agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. When the U.S. Government places an order, signs a contract, awards a grant, purchases a service, provides incremental funding or takes other actions that require the Government to make payments to the public or from one Government account to another, it incurs an obligation. (Source: FY2005 Annual Progress Report Guidance, p.5)

    USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
    External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.
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