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Watershed Plan Builder

The Watershed Plan Builder is designed for users who are just beginning to develop a watershed plan, are in the process of developing a watershed plan, or updating an existing plan. It will help get you started on developing a watershed plan by guiding you through a series of questions designed to collect information about your watershed. The information you provide will be used to produce a customized watershed plan outline. The outline will include recommended content to be included in the various sections of your watershed plan, as well as related data links and contact information. You can then use this outline to begin working through the watershed planning process with your stakeholders to create a comprehensive watershed plan.

Before you begin, it may be helpful to gather information about your watershed. You will be asked to provide:
  • Location information for the watershed (state, county, HUC, zip code)
  • Reasons for why you are developing a watershed plan
  • Information about other plans that may have been conducted for your watershed that may help you develop your watershed plan (source water protection plans, TMDL's, wetland management plans, community master plans, etc.)
  • Information about activities, issues, and pollutants of concern in your watershed
  • Names and contact information for stakeholders

Tips for using this tool:
  • Use the buttons at the bottom of each screen to move through the steps of the Plan Builder tool.
  • Find additional information by using the search field in the right-hand navigation box.
  • Click the "Save" button if you wish to save your data and return to the Plan Builder at a later time.
  • Click on the "My Watershed Process" button to see the relationship between the pages in the Plan Builder tool and the customized watershed plan outline.


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