Pogo Gold Mine Project Final Environmental Impact Statement | Region 10 | US EPA

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Pogo Gold Mine Project Final Environmental Impact Statement

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Permit Application No. AK-005334-1
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FEIS Cover Letter (28 K)

Summary of Changes from DEIS to FEIS (69 K)

Volume I

Volume 1, Complete (36.5 MB)
Cover and Title Page (266 K)
Table of Contents (229 K)
Executive Summary (1.86 MB)
Abbreviations and Acronyms (110 K)
Chapter 1 — Introduction (2.67 MB)
Chapter 2 — Alternatives (7.29 MB)
Chapter 3 — Affected Environment (20.3 MB)
Chapter 4 — Environmental Consequences (3.79 MB)
Chapter 5 — Agency Determination of Preferred Alternative (502 K)
Chapter 6 — References (200 K)
Chapter 7 — Compliance with Environmental Laws and Executive Orders (275 K)
Chapter 8 — Consultation and Coordination (126 K)
Chapter 9 — List of Major Permits and Authorizations (112 K)
Chapter 10 —Index (140 K)
Chapter 11 — Glossary (115 K)
Chapter 12 — List of Preparers (91 K)

Volume II (appendices)

Volume II, Complete (35.6 MB)
Cover and Title Page
(210 K)
Table of Contents (30 K)
Appendix A — EIS Chapter Appendices (703 K)
Appendix B — Clean Water Act Section 404 Authorization Public Notice (15.4 MB)
Appendix C — Statutory and Executive Order Compliance Documentation (1.6 MB)
Appendix D — Other Coordination (156K)
Appendix E — Response to Comments on Draft EIS

Local Navigation

URL: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/water.nsf/NPDES+Permits/POGO+Final+EIS

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