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Apply for the Annual Small Business and Congregations Awards

What Is the Award?

ENERGY STAR’s annual awards for small businesses and congregations recognize outstanding upgrades to the facilities of competitively judged applicants. In addition to this category, ENERGY STAR also designates a small number of “special awards” each year for which there is no application process. These special awards do not recognize the winners’ own facility upgrades, but rather recognize associations, utilities and other organizations for providing outstanding support and/or programs for energy efficiency upgrades by small businesses or congregations.

Award Criteria

You may nominate any (including your own) small business, non-profit, association, congregation, that is practicing exemplary energy efficiency that translates into real dollar savings. Nominees who have shown creative and innovative solutions are highly encouraged to enter.


Call 1-888-STAR YES

How Do I Apply?

The application period for the 2008 awards is now closed. The 2009 Small Business & Congregations Awards Application will be posted in January 2009.

Selected Resources