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Purchasing & Procurement

Encourage customers and constituents to purchase ENERGY STAR qualifying products as an important part of their overall energy management strategy and a great investment. For example, installing ENERGY STAR labeled computers, monitors, fax machines, copiers, or printers saves more than $80 per product, per year, and will prevent air pollution.

Provide outreach and education to large purchasers

Include information about ENERGY STAR tools and resources in newsletters, e-mails, bill stuffers and on your organizations Web site. Feel free to link directly to Purchasing & Procurement from the relevant part of your Web site.

Co-host Internet Trainings

Targeted to purchasing agents, energy and sustainability officers, and budget/financial officials, Internet trainings bring to life the value of making ENERGY STAR a core purchasing criteria. Participants are walked through all of the purchasing and procurement resources including life-cycle cost calculators that compare ENERGY STAR products to their less efficient counterparts. If you are interested in co-hosting an Internet training contact:

Steve Jurovics
The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Target key sectors

The following sectors often procure products in bulk and can benefit from the significant energy savings of ENERGY STAR qualifying products.


Through the purchase and use of ENERGY STAR products, federal, state, and local governments can reduce their operating costs and simplify the procurement process. Many government and state agencies are unaware that they already have policies in place recommending and in some cases mandating the purchase of energy efficient and/or ENERGY STAR qualifying products. You can help them fulfill their commitment by directing them to energystar.gov purchasing resources.

Public Housing

Private sector

Every company makes procurement decisions and managing these costs is fundamental to financial performance. Companies can reduce equipment operating costs by choosing from over 11,000 product models that qualifying for the ENERGY STAR label.


ENERGY STAR enables hotels to offer guests exceptional comfort and quality services, while reducing operating costs. If a 250 room hotel replaced two incandescent lamps per room with ENERGY STAR qualifying lighting, it could save $4000 annually and prevent air pollution equivalent to that generated by six cars.

Higher Education

Colleges and universities can cut the costs of operating administrative offices, classrooms and student housing by purchasing ENERGY STAR qualifying products. They can also tap into student advocacy by hosting showcase dorm room events that show students how they can use energy wisely and help the environment by choosing ENERGY STAR.

K-12 Schools

Our nation's schools spend more money on energy than on computers and textbooks combined. School districts can reduce energy costs by purchasing and using ENERGY STAR qualifying products.